Monday, August 22, 2011

Out of commission

So as most of you may know, I am out of commission. I haven't ran since my 8k on June 11th. I fractured my foot and have been in an air cast for the past 9 weeks.

August 31st, I go back in to see if it's healed. If it isn't, they're going to do a CT Scan to find out exactly why it's still broken and not healing. The fracture is just down from my second toe on the top of my foot. At the last appointment, my doctor said that it is healing.. so this is a good sign.

I think I fractured it by trying to run too fast in my Vibrams. I started running with my neighbor, Cait and shes faster than me. She wanted to do a 9 minute mile. (Which I could do in regular sneakers) So to practice for the 8k (Race the Waves) that we signed up for, we ran a 9 minute mile. I just think I over did it with that run because after that, I couldn't run for 3 days. The 8k was that Saturday and I was determined to run it. Well, I did and, like I said before, haven't ran since.

Not being able to run is KILLING me. I feel like running is a huge part of me. I can feel it in my bones. I ache for it when I see someone run by. I get jealous of other runners. It's awful.

But I did sign Aaron and I up for the Warrior Dash. It's October 1st and it's in Virginia. Here is the site: Warrior Dash My Mom and Dad just did it in New York and had the time of their lives. My Mother even got 1st place for her age group!  So I'm praying to be healed by then. Hopefully I wont need physical therapy..

As for now, I'm stuck in this baby:
Unfortunately, this is the only picture I have of myself in the  thing. That's my cousin, Erin on the right. .

I'll update after the 31st! Wish me luck! :)

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Race the Waves 8k

This morning I did my first 8k. I guess it's kind of a step backwards from a 10k, but now I have one of each under my belt.

This race took place in Emerald Isle, Nc. I got up at 6:15, ate a bagel put on my flip flops and was out the door. Packet pick up was from 6:45-7:30 and the race started at 8:00.  I was really rushing to get there because I didn't realize that it was almost 40 minutes away. Whoops. So I get there, put my Vibrams on, go get my packet, and put on my bib. I met up with my friend, Cait and her Husband, Kyle. We stood around for what seemed like forever in the blistering sun. It was only 75 degrees, but the humidity was 85%. FUN!

The race started and I made sure I was the last to cross over the start line. I hate getting tangled up in all of that adrenaline when the gun goes off, so I normally hang back to ensure I can stay at a good pace.

This race was an out and back, (which I HATE) The first 2 miles were HOT. I'm not going to lie. I sweat like a mo fo! There was absolutely no wind or breeze.. just your breath and the humidity. The way back was so much better. I caught the breeze off the ocean and it felt so good. This route was actually hillier than my normal running route! Which really surprises me considering it's right by the ocean. But I welcomed a little challenge. I mean, these hills are nothing like what I used to do in Virginia and nothing like I've done in NY, but I've become so used to running on flat, that these "hills" were a nice little change.

Anyway, I finished in 50 minutes and some change. Which is okay with me. Thats a 10 minute a mile pace and thats what I normally do. Eventually Id like to step up my pace, but I'm not going to worry about. As long as I run the whole thing, no walking, and I finish, I'm happy. I have never walked a single race I've been in and I wont start now just because I decide to pick up my pace and tire myself out. Ya know?

I'm still looking to find the official time, but so far, nothings up. Oh, and I finished 3rd for my age group! Got a nice little medal and even stood on a podium! Lol..

Next up is the Firecracker 4 in Saratoga, Ny on July 4th! That is, unless I find something else down here and my foot heals before then! :)

Monday, June 6, 2011

8k and a bit of an update.

I just recently signed up for an 8k. It's this weekend in Emerald Isle, NC. So I think an 8k is 4.97 miles. So, we'll just say 5. I've been running 5 the past few days. I've actually picked up a running partner. She's my neighbor from down the street. She actually ran the Run for the Warriors that I did in May except she ran the 5k and I ran the 10k. She's good.

She ran her first 5 miles with me the other night. She's got a faster pace which makes me work more. I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. I like being in the 10 minute pace, but the competitive part of me wants to keep up. Which has now resulted in a minor injury to my left foot. It's a bit swollen. But nothing a little ice and Toger Balm can't fix.

So after this 8 k, I have a 4 miler lined up back in New York. It's on the 4th of July. I'm trying to get my dad to run it with me. We'll see.

Now I just have to find something for August.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

I ran my first 10k!

 On Saturday, I did the Run for the Warriors 10k  here in Jacksonville, nc.
Right up until I crossed the start line, I was a nervous mess. But I tried really hard to keep thinking like it was a normal run and I did great. I paced myself at a 10 minute a mile pace. I was pretty much right on the whole time. It was an easy run for me. (I can't believe that I'm saying that!) My breathing was perfect, nothing ached, no cramps. Well, at the 5 mile mark, I thought my toes were probably blistering.. and they were.. but that's nothing too bad. At no point was I thinking, "Gosh, I need to stop." I just kept trucking along.

The route was great. It was through a residential area and people were outside their homes watching. A lot of people had Patriotic music blaring and sprinklers on full blast so you could run though them. It was so nice to see such a great community of support. And what better cause than Wounded Worriers?

My official time was- 1 hour, 2 minutes, and 26 seconds. I was pretty darn happy with that. And very proud of myself.  As you'll see in the pictures, I hauled ass about the last half mile, finishing strong.

I think I'll be signing up for a few more 10k's this year before I try and tackle a half.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Best ever!

The other day, I ran 7.3 miles with my Vibrams! Yep, 7.3! I am obviously pretty darn proud of myself considering I started out only thinking Id do 3. After the 3.2 mile mark, I felt I should at least do 4. After that, I just kind of kept running. My breathing has been so perfect lately, that no amount of pain in my shins or feet can even stop me. When I'm finished running, I have blisters and can barely walk. (Tiger Balm works wonders for those sore muscles guys!) But since my breathing is so great, I just feel that as long as my legs keep working, I'll keep running. Kind of a mind over matter thing I guess.

Here is my route:
Hmm, wonder if that re sizes when you click on it? Probably not. It took me forever just to try and  figure out how to do the darn print screen thing. I'm too lazy to try and re size it now.

Anyway, It's been two days since my run. My Mother in law moved into her own house so it's been kind of difficult to get out there and run. And you all know how I feel about the treadmill. So I'm hoping to be able to go tomorrow night. I'll make myself do a lesser amount of mileage so I don't end up hurting myself. Then I'll probably only have about 2-3 more runs before the race. I also want to go down to the actual race route and run that once, too.. so we'll see..

I'm progressing in huge strides. I really don't think I could get this kind of run with my Asics. I truly believe that my Vibrams are what's making me progress so well.

If you haven't gotten a pair yet, what are you waiting for?!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Break them in, NOT wear them out!

I took my Vibrams for a little run the other day. The lady at the store said to only run a little bit on them to break them in. So I since I normally run 3 miles when I run, that Id do a mile or two just to get used to them.

So I started down my normal route. Out of our subdivision, down the main road to the next subdivision. I felt great! I mean, I don't even really know how to describe it. My breathing was incredible, and I was striking perfectly. I felt like my toes were pulling me and I couldn't stop.

I did my normal 3 mile loop but instead of stopping, I ran another mile loop. On mile 4, one of my toes started to hurt. I kept running and every once in a while Id sort of suspend that foot in the air a little longer so I could check it. I really thought that I might have worn a hole in the bottom. But there was nothing.

I started to kind of baby it after that. Which also caused me to land improperly. But I made it 5.2 miles! When I stopped, I kid you not, I couldn't walk. I can't even believe that I continued running when I knew that I was in pain. But like I said before, the run was so smooth and so natural, that I just felt like I could go forever.

So today, two days later, I can barley walk.  I have a nasty blister on one of my toes and a horrible pain from the bend that connects the foot to the ankle all the way up to my knee. (this is all on the right leg) On the left leg, I just have a sore calf muscle..

I almost regret pushing it too far. But I was so happy that I did 5.2 miles outside! The first thing I did was call my Dad. I told him how awesome the run was and all about my Vibrams and he was excited for me. He told me to call back in a week and let him know if I had anymore pain. If I don't, he's going out and buying himself a pair.  THAT'S how excited I was about this run. I even have my Dad convinced to get some! Haha

Anyway, I did take pictures of my blister for the Blog, but they didn't come out very well. so maybe later..

I can't believe I'm only 1 mile away from a 10k!

Friday, April 15, 2011


Sooo, I bought myself my very first pair of barefoot running shoes(are they even considered shoes? I don't know) But I bought them. I bought the Vibram KSO's

I have heard such great things about these shoes. I know a few people who have them and love them. A lot  of the influence to buy a pair came from reading my friend Ross' Blog - He really did all of the research on them and runs on them quite a bit. Very helpful Ross, THANKS!  Make sure to check him out: Barefoot Odyssey he has a bunch of great videos and tons of information about it.

So I wore them all day. I went to the Commissary with them, I walked down to the stream with the boys and picked up all the garbage along the road.. I pretty much walked in them all day long. I did notice some discomfort towards the end of the day.. but I figure they're like any pair of shoes - they need to be broken in.

The lady at the store told me that it would be a good idea to wear them while doing my day to day chores and just walking around. I asked her when I should start running and she said that I should start off by cutting my mileage in half at first. So probably by mid next week, I'll try and run a mile or two in them.

Anyway, here they are:
And this is what they look like with my capris - kinda silly!

I decided to go with black because they're so neutral. I can wear them with everyday things like jeans even!
I have gotten a few questionable looks from strangers.. but I think it's funny.

Anyway, I'm running tomorrow with my regular sneaks, but I'll keep y'all updated on the work I do with my Vibrams!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Getting there

I don't think running on the treadmill is anything like running outside. But I've talked about that throughout my Blog enough that you're probably sick of hearing it.

But today I set the treadmill to 60 minutes, my pace at 5.5, and my incline at 1.5% and took off. For the first two miles I ran that  5.5 pace and then bumped it up to 6. Then back down and up for the rest of the workout. My breathing was great as well as my stride for the most part. But I did start to feel a pinch at the top of my left foot. I had the same kind of thing last week on my right. I was telling my Grandpa about it and he said the way I described it, it sounded like a bone spur. I hope that's not the case.

Anyway, I did set a new personal best. I did 5.70 miles in an hour. Ideally I would like to be at 6 miles in an hour but I'm getting there.

I figured that when race day actually came, I'd probably make it my goal to make it to each water stop and just keep a nice, slow pace. Keeping a slow pace is easy when I'm just running by myself, but when I'm in a race, I automatically just start full speed. Adrenaline pumping and every one's excited. It's hard not to let some of that rub off on you. I just pray that I can keep a steady jog pace. Id be very happy if I finished the darn thing in under an hour and a half. That's my goal. It's doable. I just have to take it easy. I also have to get a 5+ mile run outside a few times before hand. And even go down to the route and run it..

Monday I'll be heading back to the gym to cross train and I'm also watching what I eat and eating right. So hopefully by race time, it'll be a piece of cake. Ha :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Oh golly!

I just went and did something really stupid.

I signed up for a 10k. I'm an idiot. I don't know what makes me think I can run a 10k!(6.2miles) Just because I ran an hour a couple of weeks ago? Man oh man what have I gotten myself into?

But, now that I've signed up, Id better start training. I have no real time goal in mind. I'd just like to be able to finish it. Not to mention cross it off of my Day Zero project. :)

It's called, Run for the Warriors <- you can check it out there. It's for a great cause and if you're in the Jacksonville area around May 14th, you can come down and show your support or even donate online :)

Anyway, it's done. I am already signed up. I've alreay paid. Now all I have to do is start training.. yikes!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I'm in such a funk with running for some reason. My last two 5k's on the treadmill have been 30 minutes or over and I can't seem to push myself any harder. Just a few weeks ago I was doing a 28minute 5k and now this. I'm pretty sure it has to do with the fact that a few weeks ago, the incline was broken and I was running flat. Now that it's fixed, throughout the whole 3.2 miles, it's inclining and declining from 0% to 3%. Which may not seem like much, but when you've been running on no incline for a while, that 3% is noticeable.

Obviously having the incline is a good thing. It makes it feel like you're actually running outside. (well, as good as a treadmill can I guess) But man, I must be really out of shape!

Anyway, I've started watching what I eat, too. Which is huge for me. I am NOT a dieter. That's why I workout - so I can eat whatever the hell I want. Obviously that isn't working. So now I'm watching it and even keeping track of it on my Ipod.

I would just like to see some weight loss.  Just 2 pounds would make me happy right about now. I'm still stuck at 132. And it goes between 132 and 134. Never higher, never lower. I need to get below 130 before bathing suit season. (Which is probably next week considering I do live in NC) I would just like to feel a little bit of confidence when I put that bikini on.. just a little. Enough to not run back inside and throw a tank top and shorts over myself..

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

New personal best!

Tonight I forced myself to run for an hour. I tried really hard not to care about how many miles I was covering, I just focused on pace. And pace went between 5.0 and 6mph through out the whole thing.

I'm pretty friggen pumped. I covered 5.35 miles in an hour. I would have liked to at least get 5.50, but I'll take it. I burned 500 something calories (can't remember) which my not seem like much, but my body sure feels it.

I'm going to cut back for a few days and do a normal 3 mile run and then try again. My ultimate goal right now is to run a 10k.

I'd also like to get back into doing some races. In April, it'll be one whole year since I ran my last race. Thats crazy. I can't believe it's been a year already.. I'm so slacking. But, stuff like that happens and now I've got nothing but time on my hands to start my new goals :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I am proud of myself so I'm going to brag a little. So what?

I ran for 45 minutes non- stop yesterday on that treadmill. Which came to be 4.52 miles. The farthest and longest I have ever run in my life! I burned 472 calories, too!

I'm just psyched. I'm going to try and slowly work up to an hour and I would like to be able to run a 10k in a few months..

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Still running.

Yep. I'm getting some good use out of that treadmill.

I took the last two days off. I've had a bad shin splint,(shin splints?) in my left calf thats been bugging the hell out of me. So I've been resting and icing it. 

This morning I took it slow. I did 5.5mph for 35 minutes and then 7.0mph for he last 5 minutes because when I looked down and realized that I hadn't even hit the 4mile mark yet, I panicked. I still didn't hit the 4 mile mark, (3.80) which is pathetic.. and I probably even hurt my shin more by pushing my speed so much but, the run itself was good.

The pace was a little slow, but I knew I planned on running 40 minutes and didn't want to over do it. Eventually I want to make it to a whole hour of running, (which I've never been able to do) and after that, Id like to see if I can run a 10k (on the treadmill, not an actual race yet)

If you're not into running, I don't think you know the kind of high it gets you. Running is the main reason for my weight loss. I lost 50+ pounds because of  it, the high.

When I first started, I was almost 190lbs. Thats pretty big for my 5'6" body. One day, I just went to the gym, got on a treadmill, and forced myself to run 1 mile without stopping. I did it. It took me 14 minutes, but I did it. And after that, I just couldn'tget enough. I went everyday to the little gym that they had at my housing complex. And day after day, I would force myself to go a little bit farther.

I also started running outside and up huge hills. It was such a great feeling to see that weight fall off. At my lowest weight, I was 127lbs. Right now, I'm back up to 131 with a goal of being 125 and staying there.

Oh, and now my fastest mile is 8 minutes and 24 seconds. Which is a huge accomplishment from 14 minutes.

I guess the whole point of this post is to let people know that it can be done. You can do it and you will feel so much better about yourself when you do. Hang in there

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Today I ran a 8:29 minute mile! ANND, I'm down 2lbs! Yay!

Here are my stats (according to my treadmill) since we started.

I've had 13 total workouts.
I've ran a total of 32.04 miles
I've burned a total of 3,556 calories
And I've ran for a total of 5 hours and 49 minutes.

My fastest 5k right now it 28 minutes and 52 seconds.

Over all, I'm pretty happy with these stats, Of course, I can always spend more time on the treadmill. One day, I'd like to be able to push myself to run a whole hour on the treadmill. The longest I've ran on it so far is only 39 minutes and 14 seconds. But, I'm getting there. Just have to learn to really pace myself I guess..

I'm very happy with the weight loss as well! I'm only 6lbs away from my goal weight of 125. Once I hit that weight, I'll start strength training at the gym again and leave my running for every other day here at home. At least thats the plan right now.

As of right now though, I have to take it kind of easy because of this shin splint in my left calf. Its so hard for me to, "take it easy" once I get on the exercise wagon though. If I have an off day, where I dont run, I feel like a fat hunk of lard. I know it's stupid, but I do. I know off days are good for your body and your muscles. They need to heal, and your body needs to rest.. but it's a mental thing with me I guess. I know when I'm not running, I can be doing other things like walking or strength training.. but it just doesn't give me the same high as running. The same sense of accomplishment, I guess you could say...

Guess thats something I need to work on..

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

28:59 5k time on the treadmill tonight! Guess it's time to sign up for another race. There is one in Emerald Isle in April. It's also a half marathon, but I'm totally not ready for that. I'm hoping to be able to run a 10k in a few months, but Id probably better get a few more 5k's under my belt first. I still struggle with those.

The last 5k I did was almost a year ago. WOW! Yeah, April of 2010 I did the Dodge the Deer 5k back home. I dont think my time was very good either. Its amazing how easy it is to slack or fall off the wagon, I guess you can say.

But I am very happy that we bought a treadmill. We use it daily. We've had it for 2+ weeks now and I've missed two days. And thats great because those were off days.. it's good to give your muscles a break.

As far as weight goes though, I'm still at 133. Plus its that time of the month so I'm bloated anyway. So hopefully this time next week, I can report a weight loss..

Thats about it for now :)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Okay fine

                                                         This is me, and I was runnnnnniiinnngggg!

Yes, that is a dish towel. I can't run without it. I hate looking at how far I've gone or how far  I have left to go.

Anyway, Aaron took this picture. Hes been asking me why I haven't taken any pictures of our "awesome new treadmill" or posting any status updates on Facebook about it. (which I have by the way) He's so proud of it, and spent a lot of money on it. I guess he figures that I post everyday on Facebook about whatever I want and he's hurt that I haven't bragged more about the treadmill. So here it is.

Our treadmill is pretty awesome. Except we've had it under two weeks and the incline is broken. The power cord got stuck in the actual treadmill as it was declining and it pinched it. So now we've got to get someone out here to take a look at it and hopefully fix it..

Ive ran on it every day but one since we bought it. I think Ive put in a little over 20 miles on it.. so that feels good. It feels good to have that runners high again. Ya know?

So I guess now that Im back into running, I should sign up for another 5k. Aaron said he wants me to be running a 10k by the time he gets back. So I've got 7 months to shape up.. we'll see..

Thursday, February 24, 2011

I feel like I have 50 billion places to track my workout! LOL I do it here, I do it on (my user name is ibejackerz if you'd like to add me) I do it on the Live Strong app on my Ipod..and on it's all over the place!

Last night I did 2.88 miles on the "weight loss" option. I love all of these options. It makes running on the treadmill a little more fun. So the weight loss option has 3 levels. I do level 1. Level ones speed goes to 7.4mph and doesn't go slower than 5.2 - so thats a steady run and sprint. You do each interval for 30 seconds before it switches.

Starts at 5.2 then goes to 5.9, then 6.2, 6,9, 7.4.Like I said, you do each for 30 seconds. When you hit 7.4, you start going back down all the way to 5.2 - then it starts going back up again. The whole 30 minute workout, I did 4 sets(?) I guess you would call 'em. Of up and down. It was pretty intense and I felt great,(sore but great) afterwards.

I burned 324 calories and ran for 2.88 miles.

Today will be the first day off since we bought it on Saturday. It's gotten a lot of use, too! With the Live Strong treadmill, you can track your workouts.  When I get back on tomorrow, I'll write down how many miles Ive done, how many hours I've logged and all of that.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

As much as I didn't want to, this morning I hopped on our treadmill and ran. I'm just glad to have it over with. 30 minutes can sometimes feel like forever on a treadmill..

Today I did the "foot hill" option. Where you pick the speed and the incline goes up and down. On a level 1, the incline goes up to 3.5. (which is enough for me) I think Aaron did his last night on a level 2 and I think he said it went up to an incline of 7.5 - here is a picture of him tackling the foot hills.

My. Oh. My! He's sexy when he's sweaty!

You wont see any pictures of me on the treadmill though. Because I look like a crazy, out of breath, dying monkey. And I don't want anyone to have to witness that.

Feels good to finally get back in the swing of things though. Ya know? After not being at the gym since the beginning of January, and only running outside here and there when I feel like I absoulty have to, I haven't been doing much.

 And it shows! I'm 133lbs - the weight itself is fine for my height. But after having two kids, my hips and legs will never been the same. And I feel like thats where I hold the majority of my fat. Hopefully sticking with the treadmill and doing some squats and lundges will help. I just have to keep at it.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Okay, we bought the treadmill. We didn't get the 13.0 because honestly, there is NO room for it in our house and it was longer than the 10.0 -We saved about $300 too.  And so far, it's run very smoothly. Aaron just had it a 9mph ands not even shaking.

I've ran on it twice. Let me just say, I cannot stand running on a treadmill. I swear there has to be some kind of special talent for it that I don't have. I'm not good at it. I do so awesome when I run outside. I think it's because I have a goal. I know that when I run outside, I have to get back to my house. I wont allow myself to walk because I don't want people to see me quit. Inside on the treadmill, I'm like, "Whatever.. 2 miles is good enough.." I just can't seem to get the same motivation from it. Hopefully I find this special talent soon, or I'm going to be miserable for 30 minutes a day..

Yesterday I ran 2 miles on it, and today I did a mile and a half. I felt like such a loser. I can easily,(well not too easily) run over 3 miles outside.

Outside I have things to look at. I have a clear mind, I don't have to keep pace with the belt of a treadmill. I just run. I enjoy it.

I despise the treadmill. Uunfortunately for me, my Husband just spent $1,200 on it.. so guess what? I HAVE to use it everyday. And I will. I have to. It's literally staring me in the face every time I go in the living room - it says, "Jackie, get your sorry, fat ass over here and RUN damnit!" It does. And I comply. (So far anyway.)

Oh and its sooo ugly in the living room! Look how much space we don't have for it. We wanted to put it out in the garage with the free weights and stuff.. but we can't. There obviously is no heat or ac out there. I would freeze- or heat the whole outside this time of year having it out there. And in the summer, Id fry.. so.. yeah.. in the living room it stays.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Into the swing of things.

Gotta get back into the swing of things. It's been so hard to workout with only having one car. We sold Aaron's Jeep back in December and I've only been back to the gym a handful of times since. I have been running outside when I can. I did 3.3 miles on base the other day. Which surprised me.. I like knowing that I can still push myself to do 3. Even after taking some time off. I've never been able to do that before. Even back in high school when I was really athletic.

We went to the commissary the other day, and I've always wondered out loud how many miles it is from the front gate to the Cstore. So we checked it out on the odometer and it was about 4 miles. It always seemed like it was longer than that. I know I could run it, and one day, maybe when my parents are down and they can watch the boys, I'll try it.

Oh, and we finally gave in and decided to buy a treadmill. I always said I wouldn't own one because I'd much rather run outside. But outside really isn't going to be an option much longer with Aaron deploying and me not having anyone to watch the boys. I sold the jogger when we first moved here. They're too big for it now anyway.. and Noah ALWAYS put up a fight when he had to ride in it.

So this weekend were buying this:
It's the Live strong T13.0
On the Live strong website, it gets all positive reviews. We tried it out at Dick's and the belt seemed nice and padded.. pretty comfortable.. so I'm looking forward to using it!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Went for a run the other day. Managed 2 miles. Felt great, but my hips were sore for a day or so afterwards.

It didn't make sense though. When I run on the treadmill, I've NEVER sore. But every single time I run outside, my hips ache like crazy for days afterwards. I said this is Aaron and he explained that running outside is harder on your joints because you're pushing yourself. On a treadmill, you're just trying to keep up with the belt. Makes sense to me. But, I'd much rather be outside and running. I despise treadmills. I just wish running outside wasn't so killer on my hips.