Sunday, February 20, 2011

Okay, we bought the treadmill. We didn't get the 13.0 because honestly, there is NO room for it in our house and it was longer than the 10.0 -We saved about $300 too.  And so far, it's run very smoothly. Aaron just had it a 9mph ands not even shaking.

I've ran on it twice. Let me just say, I cannot stand running on a treadmill. I swear there has to be some kind of special talent for it that I don't have. I'm not good at it. I do so awesome when I run outside. I think it's because I have a goal. I know that when I run outside, I have to get back to my house. I wont allow myself to walk because I don't want people to see me quit. Inside on the treadmill, I'm like, "Whatever.. 2 miles is good enough.." I just can't seem to get the same motivation from it. Hopefully I find this special talent soon, or I'm going to be miserable for 30 minutes a day..

Yesterday I ran 2 miles on it, and today I did a mile and a half. I felt like such a loser. I can easily,(well not too easily) run over 3 miles outside.

Outside I have things to look at. I have a clear mind, I don't have to keep pace with the belt of a treadmill. I just run. I enjoy it.

I despise the treadmill. Uunfortunately for me, my Husband just spent $1,200 on it.. so guess what? I HAVE to use it everyday. And I will. I have to. It's literally staring me in the face every time I go in the living room - it says, "Jackie, get your sorry, fat ass over here and RUN damnit!" It does. And I comply. (So far anyway.)

Oh and its sooo ugly in the living room! Look how much space we don't have for it. We wanted to put it out in the garage with the free weights and stuff.. but we can't. There obviously is no heat or ac out there. I would freeze- or heat the whole outside this time of year having it out there. And in the summer, Id fry.. so.. yeah.. in the living room it stays.


  1. I am the same way about running, outside, I have a love hate relationship with my treadmill. I would so much rather run outside, but up here from October to April it is nearly impossible. I just put something on the TV and try to loose myself in it so I don't realize i've only gone 1/4 mile in what seems like a lifetime.

  2. Haha I hear ya on that! I have to put a towel over the time and distance or else I go INSANE and just want to quit.
