Friday, April 15, 2011


Sooo, I bought myself my very first pair of barefoot running shoes(are they even considered shoes? I don't know) But I bought them. I bought the Vibram KSO's

I have heard such great things about these shoes. I know a few people who have them and love them. A lot  of the influence to buy a pair came from reading my friend Ross' Blog - He really did all of the research on them and runs on them quite a bit. Very helpful Ross, THANKS!  Make sure to check him out: Barefoot Odyssey he has a bunch of great videos and tons of information about it.

So I wore them all day. I went to the Commissary with them, I walked down to the stream with the boys and picked up all the garbage along the road.. I pretty much walked in them all day long. I did notice some discomfort towards the end of the day.. but I figure they're like any pair of shoes - they need to be broken in.

The lady at the store told me that it would be a good idea to wear them while doing my day to day chores and just walking around. I asked her when I should start running and she said that I should start off by cutting my mileage in half at first. So probably by mid next week, I'll try and run a mile or two in them.

Anyway, here they are:
And this is what they look like with my capris - kinda silly!

I decided to go with black because they're so neutral. I can wear them with everyday things like jeans even!
I have gotten a few questionable looks from strangers.. but I think it's funny.

Anyway, I'm running tomorrow with my regular sneaks, but I'll keep y'all updated on the work I do with my Vibrams!