Wednesday, March 23, 2011

New personal best!

Tonight I forced myself to run for an hour. I tried really hard not to care about how many miles I was covering, I just focused on pace. And pace went between 5.0 and 6mph through out the whole thing.

I'm pretty friggen pumped. I covered 5.35 miles in an hour. I would have liked to at least get 5.50, but I'll take it. I burned 500 something calories (can't remember) which my not seem like much, but my body sure feels it.

I'm going to cut back for a few days and do a normal 3 mile run and then try again. My ultimate goal right now is to run a 10k.

I'd also like to get back into doing some races. In April, it'll be one whole year since I ran my last race. Thats crazy. I can't believe it's been a year already.. I'm so slacking. But, stuff like that happens and now I've got nothing but time on my hands to start my new goals :)

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