Sunday, March 6, 2011


Today I ran a 8:29 minute mile! ANND, I'm down 2lbs! Yay!

Here are my stats (according to my treadmill) since we started.

I've had 13 total workouts.
I've ran a total of 32.04 miles
I've burned a total of 3,556 calories
And I've ran for a total of 5 hours and 49 minutes.

My fastest 5k right now it 28 minutes and 52 seconds.

Over all, I'm pretty happy with these stats, Of course, I can always spend more time on the treadmill. One day, I'd like to be able to push myself to run a whole hour on the treadmill. The longest I've ran on it so far is only 39 minutes and 14 seconds. But, I'm getting there. Just have to learn to really pace myself I guess..

I'm very happy with the weight loss as well! I'm only 6lbs away from my goal weight of 125. Once I hit that weight, I'll start strength training at the gym again and leave my running for every other day here at home. At least thats the plan right now.

As of right now though, I have to take it kind of easy because of this shin splint in my left calf. Its so hard for me to, "take it easy" once I get on the exercise wagon though. If I have an off day, where I dont run, I feel like a fat hunk of lard. I know it's stupid, but I do. I know off days are good for your body and your muscles. They need to heal, and your body needs to rest.. but it's a mental thing with me I guess. I know when I'm not running, I can be doing other things like walking or strength training.. but it just doesn't give me the same high as running. The same sense of accomplishment, I guess you could say...

Guess thats something I need to work on..

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