Monday, June 6, 2011

8k and a bit of an update.

I just recently signed up for an 8k. It's this weekend in Emerald Isle, NC. So I think an 8k is 4.97 miles. So, we'll just say 5. I've been running 5 the past few days. I've actually picked up a running partner. She's my neighbor from down the street. She actually ran the Run for the Warriors that I did in May except she ran the 5k and I ran the 10k. She's good.

She ran her first 5 miles with me the other night. She's got a faster pace which makes me work more. I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. I like being in the 10 minute pace, but the competitive part of me wants to keep up. Which has now resulted in a minor injury to my left foot. It's a bit swollen. But nothing a little ice and Toger Balm can't fix.

So after this 8 k, I have a 4 miler lined up back in New York. It's on the 4th of July. I'm trying to get my dad to run it with me. We'll see.

Now I just have to find something for August.

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