Thursday, April 21, 2011

Break them in, NOT wear them out!

I took my Vibrams for a little run the other day. The lady at the store said to only run a little bit on them to break them in. So I since I normally run 3 miles when I run, that Id do a mile or two just to get used to them.

So I started down my normal route. Out of our subdivision, down the main road to the next subdivision. I felt great! I mean, I don't even really know how to describe it. My breathing was incredible, and I was striking perfectly. I felt like my toes were pulling me and I couldn't stop.

I did my normal 3 mile loop but instead of stopping, I ran another mile loop. On mile 4, one of my toes started to hurt. I kept running and every once in a while Id sort of suspend that foot in the air a little longer so I could check it. I really thought that I might have worn a hole in the bottom. But there was nothing.

I started to kind of baby it after that. Which also caused me to land improperly. But I made it 5.2 miles! When I stopped, I kid you not, I couldn't walk. I can't even believe that I continued running when I knew that I was in pain. But like I said before, the run was so smooth and so natural, that I just felt like I could go forever.

So today, two days later, I can barley walk.  I have a nasty blister on one of my toes and a horrible pain from the bend that connects the foot to the ankle all the way up to my knee. (this is all on the right leg) On the left leg, I just have a sore calf muscle..

I almost regret pushing it too far. But I was so happy that I did 5.2 miles outside! The first thing I did was call my Dad. I told him how awesome the run was and all about my Vibrams and he was excited for me. He told me to call back in a week and let him know if I had anymore pain. If I don't, he's going out and buying himself a pair.  THAT'S how excited I was about this run. I even have my Dad convinced to get some! Haha

Anyway, I did take pictures of my blister for the Blog, but they didn't come out very well. so maybe later..

I can't believe I'm only 1 mile away from a 10k!

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