Saturday, May 21, 2011

I ran my first 10k!

 On Saturday, I did the Run for the Warriors 10k  here in Jacksonville, nc.
Right up until I crossed the start line, I was a nervous mess. But I tried really hard to keep thinking like it was a normal run and I did great. I paced myself at a 10 minute a mile pace. I was pretty much right on the whole time. It was an easy run for me. (I can't believe that I'm saying that!) My breathing was perfect, nothing ached, no cramps. Well, at the 5 mile mark, I thought my toes were probably blistering.. and they were.. but that's nothing too bad. At no point was I thinking, "Gosh, I need to stop." I just kept trucking along.

The route was great. It was through a residential area and people were outside their homes watching. A lot of people had Patriotic music blaring and sprinklers on full blast so you could run though them. It was so nice to see such a great community of support. And what better cause than Wounded Worriers?

My official time was- 1 hour, 2 minutes, and 26 seconds. I was pretty darn happy with that. And very proud of myself.  As you'll see in the pictures, I hauled ass about the last half mile, finishing strong.

I think I'll be signing up for a few more 10k's this year before I try and tackle a half.

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