Monday, August 22, 2011

Out of commission

So as most of you may know, I am out of commission. I haven't ran since my 8k on June 11th. I fractured my foot and have been in an air cast for the past 9 weeks.

August 31st, I go back in to see if it's healed. If it isn't, they're going to do a CT Scan to find out exactly why it's still broken and not healing. The fracture is just down from my second toe on the top of my foot. At the last appointment, my doctor said that it is healing.. so this is a good sign.

I think I fractured it by trying to run too fast in my Vibrams. I started running with my neighbor, Cait and shes faster than me. She wanted to do a 9 minute mile. (Which I could do in regular sneakers) So to practice for the 8k (Race the Waves) that we signed up for, we ran a 9 minute mile. I just think I over did it with that run because after that, I couldn't run for 3 days. The 8k was that Saturday and I was determined to run it. Well, I did and, like I said before, haven't ran since.

Not being able to run is KILLING me. I feel like running is a huge part of me. I can feel it in my bones. I ache for it when I see someone run by. I get jealous of other runners. It's awful.

But I did sign Aaron and I up for the Warrior Dash. It's October 1st and it's in Virginia. Here is the site: Warrior Dash My Mom and Dad just did it in New York and had the time of their lives. My Mother even got 1st place for her age group!  So I'm praying to be healed by then. Hopefully I wont need physical therapy..

As for now, I'm stuck in this baby:
Unfortunately, this is the only picture I have of myself in the  thing. That's my cousin, Erin on the right. .

I'll update after the 31st! Wish me luck! :)


  1. Wow that sucks! I'm really sorry to hear that! :( I hope everything is healed when you go in on the 31st and you can get back to running! Good luck!

  2. Happened to run across your blog when searching for information on the Stonewall Jackson 20-Miler...did you end up doing the Warrior Dash??
