Sunday, October 4, 2009

I'm tired of living here.

There isn't any place to run! I hate it. I feel like I'm always on Gmap-pedometer trying to figure out a safe route. Its all busy highways and dead ends around here and it's killing me! I'm just really tired of running the same 'ol route. I see the same things, day in and day out and I'm just bored with it. Itried a new route the other day but involves crossing a very busy intersection and a hill with no shoulder. (Gunner and I were almost flattened the other day running it) It's just frustrating. I want to live in an area that has a bike/running trail. Stafford sucks.

In other news, Aaron's 20 miler is THIS SATURDAY! Crazy, right? We drove the route last week and although it's very senic, 20 miles is a lot longer than you would think! I mean, it's 6 miles short of a marathon!

Speaking of marathons. I have agreed to sign up fo rmy first. It's in December, (yeah, cold) and although I know I'll finish it, I want to make a decent time. Right now, (and I calculated it) it's looking like a 2hr03mins if I keep the 9:26minute a mile pace (which I wont) So I would be pleased if I finished it in under 3 hours. So that's my goal.

I havent signed up (yet) because Aaron wants to run in it and if he does, that would mean we'd have to find someone to watch the boys - which is a royal pain in the ass.. especially since the race is at 7:17 in the morning. It's still dark out at that time in the winter!!

Anyway information can be found, here:

And in wicked awesome news - my size 8 American Eagle jeans are too big so I bought 5 pairs of 6's off my friend, Tonya for $50 (awesome deal!) and when I tried them on, they fit perfectly.. here it is no more than a week later and they're really big.. how on Earth do I lose that much weight in less than a week that I have to wear a belt with them?! Its great in all but it's also VERY annoying. One because I just bought 5 pairs and two, because I HATE wearing a belt and threeeee, because I dont have any money to buy a smaller size! Doohh!

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