Sunday, October 11, 2009

"Stonewall" Jackson 20 miler.

And they're off!!!

Aarons in the yellow shirt and "flappy shorts" As his Gunny calls them. Ha.

Waiting for Dad at the finish with our sign!

Noah became quick friends with the ChickFilA cow.

Cheering on the other runners as they finished

This girl- she's hard to see- in the green is my inspiration. She came in 2nd in my 5k last month and I looked up her name, she runs in every single race in the Fredericksburg area. She's a distance runner and SHE's who I want to be like. There for, she is the reason to keep training and (maybe) do that Half marathon in December. I know she'll be there..


An adorable finish with Noah!

Aaron with his sign.

Aaron and his Gunny who also ran it with him..

What a great day! My husband completed a 20 mile race. YES, 20 MILES! I know, I know, thats 6 miles short of a full Marathon and he'll get there.

I would say that he was hardly prepared for this race. He only ran a few miles here and there before it. We ran that 5k back in September and he ran a couple or 10 milers on his own.. he wasn't hydrated enough. He found that out after mile 10 when each of his legs cramped up and he had to hobble to the next water station to get them rubbed out only for them to cramp up again a half mile down the road.

I was expecting him around the 3hr30min mark and when he didn't show, I was starting to worry. I saw the ambulance go back in forth to pick up injured runners but no sign of Aaron. I knew he wasn't a quitter and if he was able to still use his legs to move, he'd make it across the finish one way or another..

Around 4 hours was when we saw him! When he saw the finish, he started to sprint. Which was a bad idea.. when he did, he just froze, jumped, and grabbed his theigh. He obviously had another cramp. He pushed through it though and crossed the finish line (with Noah) at 4:06. not sure of the official time yet.

He DID IT! How cool is it that he ran 20 miles? How many people do you know that can do that? Probably not many. And that's why he's my hero. He never gives up. He can't. I am beyond proud of him!

He's really sore this morning. He has to pull a 24 hour duty so he's at work when he should be here resting. He could barely make it down the stairs this morning. But he'll pull through. He's already talking about signing up for the half marathon in December.. we'll see..

Thanks for letting me share!

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