Saturday, October 17, 2009

My 3rd 5k!!

Okay, I've totally ducked out of my half marathon and have decided to get a few more 5k's under my belt. Maybe even do a 10 miler somewhere in there. So I sigend up for this today:
And then I have a Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving Day. Aaron's going to run the Blue and Gray Half Marathon in December, then the Sweethearts (couples race) On Valentines Day. I think thats a 4miler.. or 5.. not sure.. and I'll run the Marine Corps Historic Half on May 16th!
Aaron will probably want to run it with me and it's the day after Benny's 2nd Birthday so hopefullllllyyyy my parents will be down to watch the boys.

Anyway, thats my planned schedule right now. I just hope I can keep it up. We're planning out going out today to look at running watches. I really want this one: we're hoping to kind of get it for eachother for Christmas.

Oh and I ran in this ICK this morning. I did about 2 miles. It was raining and abour 40 degrees. I was miserable. I guess it's time to think about cold weather running gear.. blah.. more money.. can't I just win the lottery?

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