Wednesday, October 7, 2009

New personal best right hereee!

I was thinking to myself the other day that I haven't been pushing myself. I usually just run 2 miles and thats that. Sometimes I'll do the hills, other times, I just do the neighborhood.

So the other day, I sat down at the computer and g-maped a new route. One that would be at least 3 miles. I mean, I've run two 5ks so 3 miles shouldn't be such a problem. But I just never push myself to do it..

The first day, I ran 3.02. I was pretty psyched. Not quite a 5k b ut pretty darn close. I took a day of rest, and the next day, I just ran the same route but added more to it. I took different roads that I really didn't knoe existed and figured that when I got home, Id G-map it and see how far it was.

I got home and g-maped it, and it was 3.5 Miles! I know that doens't seem like a lot to most people, especially runners, (like my Husband) who does that (plus more) on a daily basis. But that is a new personal recored for me! Never in my life have I been able to run 3.5 miles without stopping! I was, (and still am) "pleased as punch!" Now I'll shoot for 4 and then on and so forth until I'm running 5+ miles every other day..

Annd, January 6th marks the 1 year point that I decided to turn my life around. But, November of last year was when I started thinking about it.Haha.

I was 180 pounds and  miserable. I truely thought that I was going to weigh that weight forever. That I had officially "let myself go" I was grumpy towards the boys, and to Aaron and just depressed about the whole situation. I couldn't believe that I had let myself gain so much weight when I was pregnant with Benjamin. It was sad and I was a sad sight..

As of today, I weigh 55lbs less then I did a year ago at this time. My weight is perfect,( it's almost too little)it's where I want it to be and I couldn't be more happy! I'm in a size 6 American Eagle and those are baggy. I have to wear a belt but I'm not quite into a size 4.. haven't tried 5's yet but I'm not about to go spend $50 on a pair of pants right before Christmas..

So, I just want to throw that out there - that it can be done. You can do it. You can lose the weight and feel better about yourself and your life. I did it.. and I'm not quitting now! Being healthy and exercising has become part of my life and it can be part of yours too! !

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