Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Whoot whoot!

I just ran 4 miles! FOUR!

So it probably doesn't seem like a lot to most of you BUT  it's one mile closer to 5 Miles. 5 miles is pretty far when you think about it. (on foot anyway)

I want to sign up for a half marathon. I'm on the fence about it though because I have never ran more than 4 miles without stopping in my life. A half marathon is 13.1 miles. I think, maybe I should sign up for a 10miler first. Agh.. there is one on the 24th of October in Charlottesville, Va. But, thats so close. And I wouldn't have anyone to watch the boys. I would say Aaron could but he likes to be in every race that I'm in..

 I want to continue my running, (Especially now that I have found more competition) I want to be good at it, I want to be able to say that 3 miles is just a warm up, and one day, I hope that I can. But reality is, this is probably just a phase for me. Although it's been a "phase" for almost a year now, I'm afraid that the day is going to come when it's, too cold. Or too hot. Or..I don't know.. just anything to keep me from going.

I had one of those days today but I overcame it. I only let myself have 2 days off at the most. But I'm so afraid that I'm going to give in to just wanting to sit down and watch tv with my family for once. That I'm going to give in to not having to take two showers a day, or do more laundry because my clothes are sweaty..

::Just had a sudden change of heart::

But, I'm not a quitter. I wont allow it. Running is something I need to do. I have finally made it part of my life. Theres no stopping me now! -insert smily face here-

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