Monday, September 21, 2009

The race

Getting ready 6am

My Dad. Myself. Aaron

My Dad's finish

My finish (ugglly)

My "fake finish" What I wanted to look like

Our trophies!! I got 3rd. Aaron got 1st!

My Dad. Benji. Aaron. Me. And my Uncle Bill.
We all placed for our age groups!

The day started at 6am. We all got up, got dressed, and were out the door by 7. We got to the race just as the 1 mile fun run was taking off. I think it was for kids 14 and under and boy were they ADORABLE!

After we watched them, we went and picked up our chips. Which went around our ankles. i found my running buddy, Ashley and we lined up at the start together, Aaron was behind me, and my Dad and Uncle were just about last. The gun shot went off, and we were off!

The first mile was seriously killing me! We ran through a turf field and through the woods. (which I didnt know about until I was at the tree line) Which made it interesting. The course was out and back which sucked.. but it was also kind of fun because I had no clue where I was going.. just following, and trying to catch) whoever was in front of me.

I had my eyes set on this one girl who looked about my age.. she stayed in front of me for the 1st 2 miles and then I passed her. There were a few hills, too which is great because I eat hills for breakfast.. I really caught up to people on the hills and past about 5-6 of them.. and then I heard it.. I could hear his footsteps coming right behind me.. My Dad.. I can tell his run from anyone elses.. he started at the back of the pack and he was already going to pass me at mile 2! We ran side by side for the rest of the race until the end where I tried my best to beat him. We sprinted against each other to the finish.. I beat him, but he beat me in time since he started after me.

Anyway, all in all, I am VERY happy with my run.. I have a new personal record of 26:59 - which I found out this morning was the "official" time. I went around all day yesterday, telling people that it was 27:07.. I looked up the official time this morning and it's 26:59! Whew! I'm stoked about that!

I was determind to get 27 minutes at the most.. I'm so happy that I made my goal! It was a fun race and I'm glad that I did it. We're signing up for a Turkey Trot in Chantilly, Va and Ash wants to sign up for a 5k on Halloween. There is the Blue and Gray half marathon December 13th but I'm afraid I wont be ready for it.. we'll see..!

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