Monday, October 19, 2009

3 runners die in Half Marathon

My friend, Leah was supposed to sign up for this half. She lives in Michigan. This is just the saddest, eeriest, story..

It makes me worry about Aaron's half that's coming up in December. A half marathon is 13.1 miles. Aaron just finished a 20 mile run on October 10th so I hope that he'll be okay. The article says that as far as anyone knows, these guys that died we're all very healthy. I hope an autopsy is performend so they know what happend.

It just freaks me out. I mean, this is something that these men trained for. They're familes were there to watch, everyone was cheering them on. One guy even crossed the finishline before he died. I just cannot imagine what their families are going through. I mean, waiting, and waiting for their loved ones to cross the finish line just to find out that they had colapsed and died at mile 11. 2 miles short of the finish! I just can't wrap my head around it..

Many prayers to the families of these runners..

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