Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Yep. That's her name. My new competition. She's the one who's been kicking the teadmils ass everynight while I'm there. Turns out, she's a former Marine. Served for 5 years even. I can't even start to keep up with her but I'm sure as hell going to try.

She's there just about ever night when I go and we're kinda wait on eachother for the one treadmil. Lastnight I struck up a conversation and kinda asked her if she might want to start working out together. Which is dumb on my part because I totally like working out on my own. Lol.. sooo now I'm avoiding her! I told her that I'd probably head down sometime this morning but I didn't. I kinda had other things to take care of. And I'm skipping tonight because my ankle is killing me and I just got a new workout dvd that I wanna try out.. so maybe we'll meet up tomorrow..


  1. i love how you said you asked her to work out together but now your avoiding her cause i would do the same thing.. lol.... if we lived closer i would love your motivation to get me going.

  2. Lol.. yeah, I'm like that. I was like, "what did I just do!? I like working out by myself! Idiot"
    I didnt go at all yesterday. Aaron bought me the Biggist Loser cardio dvd and that thing kicked my butt!
