Friday, January 9, 2009


Ha! So today Aaron and I went to sign our lease for another year here at the wonderful Sky Terrace townhome community. And while we were going through our lease, there was a spot that we had to sign to day that we had the code for the gym. This may sound stupid but I totally forget that the had a mini workout room at the office! So here my neighbor and I were stressing about how we're going to have to drive all the way to mainside to go to the gym and that it so wasnt worth the trip in gas.. and here's the gym right in our front yards! Idiots.

I guess I had forgotten about it because they had to close it for a while because people were letting their kids in there and equipment was getting ruined and it just never dawned on me until now that it was probably re-opened.

Its nothing huge or anything. It's just got a treadmil, a stairclimb thingy and some weights but all we really went to the gym on mainside for was the treadmil. So we're set! I so excited! The best part about it is, it's open 24hrs a day. All you need is the code -which I made sure to get today- so when the boys go to bed or even for down for a nap (when Aaron's home of course) I can take a little walk down and get my workout on!

Hot body, here I come!


  1. oh wow that is awesome & so convient (did i spell that word right)cause it's right there.... and here i thought you left the boys home all alone to go get your skinny on... lol. totally jokin!!!

  2. to get your skinny girls :) well have fun at the new gym, ha!! it's always nice to have somewhere close to and not crowded. i get all weird around the ego-filled men at my gym. gag me.

  3. There is realy no one ever there so we have the whole place to ourselves! Its sweet!
