Friday, January 23, 2009


I can't remember if I wrote about the workout dvd that Aaron bought for me the other day or not. But he bought me The Biggest Loser Cardio workout and it kicked my butt! Seriously, it did.

I only did a half hour. Pretty much tons of lunges. Those babies are killer! My ass cheeks are in some pain. So much that it's painful to sit down or get up. Lol.. but I like it! The soreness is a good thing! So I did that the other night instead of going to the gym.

Lastnight I headed over to the gym at 5. Skipped dinner. (which was dumb because I was STARVING when I got home and decided tha a whole bowl of tuna salad would satisfy my craving.) I thought that since it was kinda dinner time that no one would be there. No sooner did I hope onto the treadmil, someone shows up. It's fine because she gets on the elipitcal. So I start my usual stretching and then start to run. My goal- run as long as I can or last longer than she does on the elipitical. Lol.. well, I'm over a mile into it and she hasnt even slowed down.. now I'm dying.. I get to 1.25 and stop.. walk a minute and run another half mile. She's still on the elipitical! After finishing a half mile, I go do the bike for 15 minutes. She's STILL on that thing! And her pace is steady. Later I'll find out that she does 30 minutes on it. I'm not a bug fan of the elipitical so I dont really knwo how it works but I think that if she can do that baby for 30 minutes, than I can too!

Anyway, we made friends afterwards. Her name is Kayla and shes from Nebraska. Just recently moved here from Lejeune and hates it. She has a 9 month olf daughter (I think) and comes to the gym regulary.

I told her about my running stratdegy and she just laughed. She told me that she can't stand the treadmil and only walks on it after so she can cool down from the eliptical.

I guess I havent been pusing myself to my potential. I mean, everytime I go and run just a little farther on the treadmil, I am pushing but not as much as I could be. I mean, 15 minutes on the thing isn't going to kill the fat as much as it would if I did 30. But, ugh.. I just hate running so much. I can never keep my mind off of how long I've been on it or how far I've been going so it just makes it that much harder to stay concentrated and not want to quit. I gotta find a new method!

But, it's been great. I'm down to 140. And I'm getting pretty cut already. My legs are getting really toned and my belly is shrinking! As well as my beautiful love handles! (thank God!)

Tonight will be different. Aaron will probably head over first and I'll go after. I think I'll try the elptical tonight. Well see how that goes!

More to come

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