Monday, January 19, 2009

feel the burn

I think the gym is becomming an addiction. I heard that it can but and thank God for that! I missed it yesterday bevcause Aaron had duty and I didn't have anyone to watch the kids so I felt like a pigger all day. What made it worse was I made brownies! Who does that when they're trying to get ino shape and lose weight?! Me. Obviously. I had two .. but dayum they were good.

So I went tonight. Now when I say this gym is small, take a look at your living room and probably cut it in half. So when there is other people in there, it makes it, (1) crouded and (2) uncomfortable because you're always waiting around for someone to get off the treadmil or bike or eliptical .. so when I went in, there were two ladies - one on the treadmil, one on the bike. I kinda hung around outside for a minute and then got up the balls to go in there and do my thing. Trouble isss I have a whole routin that I do and it always starts with the treadmil and ends on the treadmil.. sooo I patiently waited for about 7 minutes and I think they kinda knew I was waiting for the treadmil and left. Yes, I feel bad for kinda kicking 'em out but I go to the gym almost every night at 6pm.. no one is ever there. So I did 1.25 miles w.o stopping.. half way, someone else pulled up and came in.. ugh. Buut it was kinda a good thing I guess because now I know when there is someone else in there, it makes me push myself harder. I knew that she was waiting for the treadmil as well but I wasnt giving it up that easy. I ran until 1..25 and stopped. I totally could have went forever it felt like. I've finally made up my mind that it's going to be mind over matter.. and that saying really does work.

Anyway, yes I feel bad that I pushed the other ladies out. But I like having the gym all to myself. Now this other chick really pushed herself - she isnt in any better shape then me but was working her ass off- she did the elipitcal while I was running and boy did she kick that things ass. Now I've got some competition! I'm kinda excited! Not only did she kick that elipitcals ass, when I was about ready to leave, she was putting a hurting on the treadmil as well. Maybe she'll be my new gym mate.

Anyway, Aaron's there now so I'm going to ask him if she was still there when he went in. That'll give me an idea of how long she's working out for.. maybe she can give me some pointers. I don't know..

Ive decided that I'm eating like a teenager. For some reason, I believe that my matabolism is the same as it was when I was 15. HA! When I was 15, I could eat anything I wanted and never gain and ounce. Not anymore baby! Sooo I guess Ive gotta start eating healthy if I want to lose this weight. I know what your're thinkin, "duh Jackie!" but really, I thought that maybe since I was working out every day, that eating anything would work itself off in the gym.. not so! Aaron told me today that you need to burn so many calories, yada yada.. (see how new I am to this whole gym thing?!) sooo I guess I've got to start watching what I eat and worry about burning calories instead of how fast or long I run..

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