Sunday, January 18, 2009

It worked!

When I'm running, I have a bad problem of looking at time and the distance that I'm running. I find that it's dragging me down and not letting me run to my potential because I'm always thinking, "how much longer?!" and I lose focus. So Ashley suggested putting a towel over it. I know it seems kinda of simple but I totally wouldn't have thought of that. So I tried it yesterday morning and it worked! I ran a mile and a half and didn't even worry about time. I went at my own safe pace and when I felt like I was getting tired, I took a glance down and I was already at a mile and a quarter! So I just pushed myself a little farther and made it!

So now I'm not worried about time. I want distance. I want to be able to run 5 miles without stopping at my own pace. And maybe someday, I'll be able to keep up with Aaron. Who runs 5 miles like it's his job. (jerk!) :)

No gym today though. Aaron went in to work at 7am and wont be home until 7am tomorrow morning. I was thinking about calling my neighbor and seeing if I could run down and pick up her Billy Blanks dvd but I don't think she's home. Guess I'll have to call her.

As for the weight loss, I'm 140. So 5lbs in about 2 weeks. Which is kinda crappy but I'm also getting really toned. Especially my legs and butt. My arms could use a little more work but I'm also working on that. I do the arm weights after the bike and before the extra .25 mile. And I'm doing about 30lbs. Which is ALOT for me! haha!! I'm SUCH a wimp when it comes to lifting.. but hopefully if I keep at it, I'll be able to do alot more..

We'll see! I'm excited to be able to stick with this. Normally I quit by now. But I'm so determined to keep my my New Years Resolution and get that hinie into shape! (And yes, that was my hinie before kids on top of my page! Lol- that's my inspiration!)

Maybe when I get a new digital camera, I can post pictures of my progress.. that is, once I feel confident enough to! Haha

1 comment:

  1. Way to go lady!! Keep up the good work, and soon enough you we be passing the 5 miles. Make a training guide for about 9 weeks, that's when spring should be here and it can help pace yourself. Last time I say But it's awesome!!
