Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My list

Alana made a list of the top 10 reasons she wants to lose weight and get healthy and now I'm going to post mine. And when I feel like I want to quit, I can just take a peek back at this and remember the reasons and hopefully it'll motivate me again

1-To feel better about myself. I'm sick and tired of being self conscience about what I look like.
2-To keep up with Aaron.
3-To keep up with my kids. I want to be able to run and play and all that fun stuff.
4-To wear a bikini in Puerto Rico!
5-To live longer!
6-To have a better attitude towards things. Life in general and being healthy and losing weight helps with that.
7-To wear shorts even! I never wear shorts, EVER and it'd be nice to not have to worry about my flabby legs anymore.
8-To run more than 3 miles without stopping
9-I have no reason to be over weight. I'm 25 (or will be in 2 days) and am at my prime.
10- To fit into a 5 again

Okay so my list kinda sucked but I just want to be healthy and toned and 120lbs again. And I'm going to do it!

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