Thursday, January 29, 2009

Oh yeah, oh yeah, Jackie ran 2 miles!

The title pretty much says it all baby! I ran 2 miles w.o stopping! That's BIG for me.

I told Aaron before I left that I wanted to push myself to 2 and I did! I'm so excited!!

Other than that, still at my 140lbs but I'll get there !!!

Hell yeah

After a crapy workout the other day, lasnight, I kicked ass. I did 1.50 miles on the treadmill w/o stopping. I always feel like I'm at like 2 wen I stop but when I look down, I still have a half mile to go and then I get frustrated and start thinking about it and quit. But 1.50 is pretty good

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My list

Alana made a list of the top 10 reasons she wants to lose weight and get healthy and now I'm going to post mine. And when I feel like I want to quit, I can just take a peek back at this and remember the reasons and hopefully it'll motivate me again

1-To feel better about myself. I'm sick and tired of being self conscience about what I look like.
2-To keep up with Aaron.
3-To keep up with my kids. I want to be able to run and play and all that fun stuff.
4-To wear a bikini in Puerto Rico!
5-To live longer!
6-To have a better attitude towards things. Life in general and being healthy and losing weight helps with that.
7-To wear shorts even! I never wear shorts, EVER and it'd be nice to not have to worry about my flabby legs anymore.
8-To run more than 3 miles without stopping
9-I have no reason to be over weight. I'm 25 (or will be in 2 days) and am at my prime.
10- To fit into a 5 again

Okay so my list kinda sucked but I just want to be healthy and toned and 120lbs again. And I'm going to do it!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


The gym kicked my butt tonight. Wait, let me stat off by saying, excuse all of te typos that you might read in this. I'm on Aaron's laptop and I can never type right on the damn thing.

Anyway, so yesh, it kicked my butt. I only ran 1.25miles before my kees were killing me so I tried the eliptical. I told mself that I was going to do 20mins. HA! I did 5 and quit. I had a major sharp pain on the side of my right calf and was afraid to push any farther. So I lifed. I did 2 sets of 10 on each and called it a night. I hate that. I hate that I couldn't push myself any harder. I mean, after all, it is mind over matter but I just didn't want to ruin myself for tomorow.

But I can say, it feels good to get back in there after 3-4days off.I like to sweat. I like feeling tired when I'm done. But best of all, I love the shower afterwards. Just standing in there in the hot water, letting it just run over ya. That's the best. (I hope I didnt make that sounds too poronish!)

But on an even better note, I crammed this fat ass into a size 6 yesterday for that wake! Ha~ Can you believe that? I'm notmally a 10. These we Gap dress pants so I dont know if they run different or whatver but it felt nice. Even Erica, when she saw me said, "wow skinny mini!" But I really can't tell that much of a difference. It does feel nice though that someone else notices. I think I'm just losing alot of fat in my legs which makes it way easier to cram them into a smaler size. Either way, it fels sweet and thats te kind of thing that is going to keep me motivated

Monday, January 26, 2009

Wicked slacker!

3 days ago, I told Aaron that Id like to take the night off because I feel like the kids are kinda like, "wtf?" We're always at the gym! It's like we rush to eat dinner and let it digest before we take off. I usually go first and when I get home and shower, Aaron goes. Then he gets home and showers and it's time for bed. So I feel like the boys are being jipped of time with us.

So we took that night off. And yesterday, AAron had duty all day and night so I couldn't go anywhere. I thought I might break out the biggest loser dvd after the kids went to bed but by that time, it was already 10:30! Soo, I'm a wicked slacker. AND, I'm not going to be able to go today because we're traveling to MAryland for Erica's Dad's wake. It takes two hours to get there and obviously 2 hours back. The wake is at 3 but they want us there at 1 to help out.

Tuesday will be my butt kicking day at the gym! I already am starting to feel flabby all over. Yesterday all I did was sit around and think, "what can I eat?"

So results Tuesday!

Friday, January 23, 2009


I can't remember if I wrote about the workout dvd that Aaron bought for me the other day or not. But he bought me The Biggest Loser Cardio workout and it kicked my butt! Seriously, it did.

I only did a half hour. Pretty much tons of lunges. Those babies are killer! My ass cheeks are in some pain. So much that it's painful to sit down or get up. Lol.. but I like it! The soreness is a good thing! So I did that the other night instead of going to the gym.

Lastnight I headed over to the gym at 5. Skipped dinner. (which was dumb because I was STARVING when I got home and decided tha a whole bowl of tuna salad would satisfy my craving.) I thought that since it was kinda dinner time that no one would be there. No sooner did I hope onto the treadmil, someone shows up. It's fine because she gets on the elipitcal. So I start my usual stretching and then start to run. My goal- run as long as I can or last longer than she does on the elipitical. Lol.. well, I'm over a mile into it and she hasnt even slowed down.. now I'm dying.. I get to 1.25 and stop.. walk a minute and run another half mile. She's still on the elipitical! After finishing a half mile, I go do the bike for 15 minutes. She's STILL on that thing! And her pace is steady. Later I'll find out that she does 30 minutes on it. I'm not a bug fan of the elipitical so I dont really knwo how it works but I think that if she can do that baby for 30 minutes, than I can too!

Anyway, we made friends afterwards. Her name is Kayla and shes from Nebraska. Just recently moved here from Lejeune and hates it. She has a 9 month olf daughter (I think) and comes to the gym regulary.

I told her about my running stratdegy and she just laughed. She told me that she can't stand the treadmil and only walks on it after so she can cool down from the eliptical.

I guess I havent been pusing myself to my potential. I mean, everytime I go and run just a little farther on the treadmil, I am pushing but not as much as I could be. I mean, 15 minutes on the thing isn't going to kill the fat as much as it would if I did 30. But, ugh.. I just hate running so much. I can never keep my mind off of how long I've been on it or how far I've been going so it just makes it that much harder to stay concentrated and not want to quit. I gotta find a new method!

But, it's been great. I'm down to 140. And I'm getting pretty cut already. My legs are getting really toned and my belly is shrinking! As well as my beautiful love handles! (thank God!)

Tonight will be different. Aaron will probably head over first and I'll go after. I think I'll try the elptical tonight. Well see how that goes!

More to come

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Yep. That's her name. My new competition. She's the one who's been kicking the teadmils ass everynight while I'm there. Turns out, she's a former Marine. Served for 5 years even. I can't even start to keep up with her but I'm sure as hell going to try.

She's there just about ever night when I go and we're kinda wait on eachother for the one treadmil. Lastnight I struck up a conversation and kinda asked her if she might want to start working out together. Which is dumb on my part because I totally like working out on my own. Lol.. sooo now I'm avoiding her! I told her that I'd probably head down sometime this morning but I didn't. I kinda had other things to take care of. And I'm skipping tonight because my ankle is killing me and I just got a new workout dvd that I wanna try out.. so maybe we'll meet up tomorrow..

Monday, January 19, 2009

feel the burn

I think the gym is becomming an addiction. I heard that it can but and thank God for that! I missed it yesterday bevcause Aaron had duty and I didn't have anyone to watch the kids so I felt like a pigger all day. What made it worse was I made brownies! Who does that when they're trying to get ino shape and lose weight?! Me. Obviously. I had two .. but dayum they were good.

So I went tonight. Now when I say this gym is small, take a look at your living room and probably cut it in half. So when there is other people in there, it makes it, (1) crouded and (2) uncomfortable because you're always waiting around for someone to get off the treadmil or bike or eliptical .. so when I went in, there were two ladies - one on the treadmil, one on the bike. I kinda hung around outside for a minute and then got up the balls to go in there and do my thing. Trouble isss I have a whole routin that I do and it always starts with the treadmil and ends on the treadmil.. sooo I patiently waited for about 7 minutes and I think they kinda knew I was waiting for the treadmil and left. Yes, I feel bad for kinda kicking 'em out but I go to the gym almost every night at 6pm.. no one is ever there. So I did 1.25 miles w.o stopping.. half way, someone else pulled up and came in.. ugh. Buut it was kinda a good thing I guess because now I know when there is someone else in there, it makes me push myself harder. I knew that she was waiting for the treadmil as well but I wasnt giving it up that easy. I ran until 1..25 and stopped. I totally could have went forever it felt like. I've finally made up my mind that it's going to be mind over matter.. and that saying really does work.

Anyway, yes I feel bad that I pushed the other ladies out. But I like having the gym all to myself. Now this other chick really pushed herself - she isnt in any better shape then me but was working her ass off- she did the elipitcal while I was running and boy did she kick that things ass. Now I've got some competition! I'm kinda excited! Not only did she kick that elipitcals ass, when I was about ready to leave, she was putting a hurting on the treadmil as well. Maybe she'll be my new gym mate.

Anyway, Aaron's there now so I'm going to ask him if she was still there when he went in. That'll give me an idea of how long she's working out for.. maybe she can give me some pointers. I don't know..

Ive decided that I'm eating like a teenager. For some reason, I believe that my matabolism is the same as it was when I was 15. HA! When I was 15, I could eat anything I wanted and never gain and ounce. Not anymore baby! Sooo I guess Ive gotta start eating healthy if I want to lose this weight. I know what your're thinkin, "duh Jackie!" but really, I thought that maybe since I was working out every day, that eating anything would work itself off in the gym.. not so! Aaron told me today that you need to burn so many calories, yada yada.. (see how new I am to this whole gym thing?!) sooo I guess I've got to start watching what I eat and worry about burning calories instead of how fast or long I run..

Sunday, January 18, 2009

It worked!

When I'm running, I have a bad problem of looking at time and the distance that I'm running. I find that it's dragging me down and not letting me run to my potential because I'm always thinking, "how much longer?!" and I lose focus. So Ashley suggested putting a towel over it. I know it seems kinda of simple but I totally wouldn't have thought of that. So I tried it yesterday morning and it worked! I ran a mile and a half and didn't even worry about time. I went at my own safe pace and when I felt like I was getting tired, I took a glance down and I was already at a mile and a quarter! So I just pushed myself a little farther and made it!

So now I'm not worried about time. I want distance. I want to be able to run 5 miles without stopping at my own pace. And maybe someday, I'll be able to keep up with Aaron. Who runs 5 miles like it's his job. (jerk!) :)

No gym today though. Aaron went in to work at 7am and wont be home until 7am tomorrow morning. I was thinking about calling my neighbor and seeing if I could run down and pick up her Billy Blanks dvd but I don't think she's home. Guess I'll have to call her.

As for the weight loss, I'm 140. So 5lbs in about 2 weeks. Which is kinda crappy but I'm also getting really toned. Especially my legs and butt. My arms could use a little more work but I'm also working on that. I do the arm weights after the bike and before the extra .25 mile. And I'm doing about 30lbs. Which is ALOT for me! haha!! I'm SUCH a wimp when it comes to lifting.. but hopefully if I keep at it, I'll be able to do alot more..

We'll see! I'm excited to be able to stick with this. Normally I quit by now. But I'm so determined to keep my my New Years Resolution and get that hinie into shape! (And yes, that was my hinie before kids on top of my page! Lol- that's my inspiration!)

Maybe when I get a new digital camera, I can post pictures of my progress.. that is, once I feel confident enough to! Haha

Friday, January 16, 2009


Yeah, I skipped the gym tonight. I feel like such a loser.

I was planning on getting up at 5 and heading in before the boys woke up and Aaron had to go to work. Obviously I didn't. Benji woke up at like 4:45 and wouldn't go back to sleep until I made him a bottle and rocked him for 45 minutes. By that time, Aaron was just getting up. Then I was thinking that I could go when Aaron got home. He didn't get home until 4pm and then we had to order dinnre because my cousin and her daughter were coming at 5:30 and we needed to feed them.. soooo I guess I'll just have to hit it up tomorrow.

I hate that now I feel like I'm losing my motivation! My neighbor has been ditching me to sit around her house. She called this afternoon to tell me that wouldnt be able to do anything for 10 days because she has bronchitus(spellings way off there) It's not like she was doing anything with me anyway so I dont really mind. Plus, I really would like it if she kinda stayed away. The last thing I need is the boys to come down with it. I sound heartless..

I'm kinda happy that she hasnt been working out with me though. I feel like I do way better in the gym by myslef. I'm not worried about what she's doing or if she's doing it better or faster. I'm a wicked competitor when it comes to that kinda of stuff. And I want to be able to show her up because all she talkes about is how she went to OCS.. yada, yada.. whatever. She didn't make it all the way through so who cares? But it makes me feel good when I'm beating her at something. I'm such a bitch...but she's the same way I guess. We kinda admitted that to eachother after one of our runs. I told her that I wouldn't quit until she did and she said the same thing to me..well, who's the quitter now? Lol okay, me.. but tomorrow, I'll be the winner!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I failed

Went to the gym this morning and started to run my normal mile. For some reason today, I didn't have it in me. I ran a half mile at 6.5 mph and it nearly killed me. I just quit. I dont like to think of myself as a quitter and it wasnt like me. So I'm pretty disapointed in myself. Anyway, I walked for a minute and then did a quater mile running at 6.7mph. Stopped, walked, and ran it again at 7.1mph.. so I did finally manage to do my mile, just in sections. Which, when I came home and told Aaron, he said that it might be better do do that because it builds up you stanema when you run fast then walk and do it again. So I ran my mile, did the bike for a mile and the usual arm weights and stuff. Then I hopped back onto the treadnil and did another quarter mile at 6.5mph and a 2 incline..

Sooo, I feel okay..I guess.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Getting there!

So I did a mile in 9:22 lastnight! I'm slowly getting there. I was nice because the past few nights I've been going by myslef because my neighbor has been sick. So I can kinda do my own thing and not have to worry about weather or not she wants to use the treadmil next or whatever (cuz there is only one) but she's going with me tonight. Oh well, hopefully I can keep up on my game!

Not seeing any weightloss though. Maybe because I'm gaining muscle? I hope thats the reason, anyway. I've been working out my arms pretty good, too! So I'm psyched to hopefully not have flabby arms anymore..

Today my neighbor came up with a Dvd. that Billy bootcamp guy or whatever. It was pretty intense. I kinda laughed at it at first but after just a hlaf hour, it was kicking my ass. And boy did I feel stupid running around the livingroom flailing my arms and kicking at the air! But I broke a sweat so it must have been doing something..

I'll be hitting the gym again tonight around 6. Hopefully no one will be there. I've been lucky so far and havent had a soul in there with me(except for when my neighbor goes) but everytime Aaron goes, there is always people there which discourages him to work out. The whole gym is about the size of a public restroom so it's kinda hard to do you thing if there are more than 2 people there.. he started going around 8 and there hasnt been anyone there so hopefully that stay that way..

Friday, January 9, 2009

gettin better

First- excuse the typos. I'm on Aarons laptop becuase I'm annoyed with mine and how slow it's being. I always have wicked typos when I use this thing.

So, we hit up the "new" gym tonight. I made mysef run a mile. I did it in 11 minutes. Sooo apparently, the other day when we ran outside, we wernt running an 8 minute mile.. soo 11 minutes is still better than 13! My goal - 7 minutes. I'm pretty sure that I can do it. Just gotta keep working on it. I also did a mile on the bike. Lemme tell u, I"m glad that I did that thing second because it was killer in my theighs! After that I did some weights to try and tone up these flabby arms. And then called it quits. We were only there for about 45 minutes but I still think we did a pretty nice workout.

If we can do this almost everynight, I'll be in prime shape in no time! Cant wait! I just hope that I stay motivated


Ha! So today Aaron and I went to sign our lease for another year here at the wonderful Sky Terrace townhome community. And while we were going through our lease, there was a spot that we had to sign to day that we had the code for the gym. This may sound stupid but I totally forget that the had a mini workout room at the office! So here my neighbor and I were stressing about how we're going to have to drive all the way to mainside to go to the gym and that it so wasnt worth the trip in gas.. and here's the gym right in our front yards! Idiots.

I guess I had forgotten about it because they had to close it for a while because people were letting their kids in there and equipment was getting ruined and it just never dawned on me until now that it was probably re-opened.

Its nothing huge or anything. It's just got a treadmil, a stairclimb thingy and some weights but all we really went to the gym on mainside for was the treadmil. So we're set! I so excited! The best part about it is, it's open 24hrs a day. All you need is the code -which I made sure to get today- so when the boys go to bed or even for down for a nap (when Aaron's home of course) I can take a little walk down and get my workout on!

Hot body, here I come!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

This is my weight loss blog

So my new blog as of Jan 6,09

My neighbor and I are tired of being fatasses so we've started running. Yesterday was our first day. We went to the gym on base and hit up the tredmils. We made it our goal to run a mile without stopping. Which we did. But holy hell! I have never in my life run a mile in more than 8 minutes! That's when I knew I was waaaay out of shape! It took me 13mins and 19secs. It was really depressing.. buuut we have decided to stink with it so far and ran again tonight. We didn't go to the gym. We just ran outside in our neighborhood. And the weather is crap! Raining and 32drgrees! Buuurr.. so we bundled all up and ran another mile. But we did it waaaay faster this time. About 8 minutes! I have no idea what was going on at the gym..

So anyways, this will be my own little weightloss blogger thingy. I am determined to get rid of this mommy pooch and fat thunder theighs before hubber and I go to Puerto Rico in September. I HAVE to look decent in a bikini! I HAVE to! Or else I'm not going.. '

So, as of today. Jan 6th,09 I weigh in at 145lbs. My goal - 130lbs.. or 125 would be great.. no wait.. okay I'm going to make my goal 120. That is what I was before I got pregnant with Noah..

Okay so goal weight - 120lbs by September.. that shouldnt be too hard! Yay