Thursday, October 29, 2009

two days!

Two days until my 5k!

I did a nice, slow run this afternoon with my neighbor. I decided that I'm going to do a nice, slow run at the race. Time isn't going to be important to me anymore. -This is mainly because I don't think I'll get a good time- This is a fun race. Everyone is supposed to dress up in a costume in honor of Halloween.

My neighbor and I haven't even decided what to be yet! We're thinking skeltons or something easy. We'll paint or face and maybe find some pj's that already have bones in the fabric. We don't have much time to figure it out. We're going tomorrow after we pick up our race packets to look for something.

Oh, and I got this:

It's the Nike+ chip and the watch that goes along with it. It was like $60 at Dicks and I couldnt pass it up. The chip goes into your sneaker're supposed to have the Nike+ sneakers that have the built in compartment for the chip - which I do. Awesome. Aaron doesn't and he just puts it in his sock. Still reads.

Anyway, you slip it in your sneak or your sock and it counts your pace, how many miles you've run, and calories. -I think. I haven't mastered it yet and I still think we havent calibrated it right. But once you're dont with your run, you plug it into your computer and it brings up all of that information. You can even chart it on It's pretty neat! And so far, it's been worth it.

Monday, October 26, 2009

5 days

5 days until my third 5k! 
I will be running in the H.O.M.E Sports and Freedom Middle School Harvest 5k. 
H.O.M.E  provides direct support and assistance to children who are infected with HIV/ AIDS. 
This will be my first charity run. 

I'm so nervous though. Maybe some of you runner out there can explain to me why I am getting really, REALLY sharp pains under my ribs? I can run fine for the first 2 miles. But lately, I have been having a rough time breathing right. I get some intense sharp pains under my ribs.. so bad that I can't even run through them anymore. It's defeating and very annoying. Could it be because the weather is getting colder? I can't think of any other reason. I mught try and Google it.. 

Anyway, I just wanted to put this here first. I doubt my time is going to be any better. Not that it really matters but I just wanted to throw that out there. That I probably wont have a new PR. Ot would be nice if I did but physically, I doubt I'll be able to.. 

Is that bad? That I can doubt myself so much? I am just going to run it. I'm gong to run how ever I feel like it. I wont quit. I wont walk. I'll make it.. I just dont think it's going to be my best race...

Anyway - I'm trying to see if I can talk my friend, Leah into doing the Historic Half with me in May. It will be my first half marathon and I am positive that by then, I'll be able to run the 13.1 miles. 

So that is what I will be training for now :)

Monday, October 19, 2009

3 runners die in Half Marathon

My friend, Leah was supposed to sign up for this half. She lives in Michigan. This is just the saddest, eeriest, story..

It makes me worry about Aaron's half that's coming up in December. A half marathon is 13.1 miles. Aaron just finished a 20 mile run on October 10th so I hope that he'll be okay. The article says that as far as anyone knows, these guys that died we're all very healthy. I hope an autopsy is performend so they know what happend.

It just freaks me out. I mean, this is something that these men trained for. They're familes were there to watch, everyone was cheering them on. One guy even crossed the finishline before he died. I just cannot imagine what their families are going through. I mean, waiting, and waiting for their loved ones to cross the finish line just to find out that they had colapsed and died at mile 11. 2 miles short of the finish! I just can't wrap my head around it..

Many prayers to the families of these runners..

Saturday, October 17, 2009

<- I want this. It's made by Brooks and it's $80. I saw it in VA Runners this afternoon and tried it on. I'm in love. It's PERFECT for outdoor, cold weather running. It even has the long sleeves with the hole in it for your thumb and the mitten flaps for your hands so you don't have to wear gloves.

I'm praying that Santa brings it (before) Christmas. And he will if he know's whats best for him :)

VA Runner is really expensive, so we headed over to Target and found me some running pants -that I'm not thrilled about- and a long sleeve shirt to go under my Nike jacket that I wore today in the freezing cold rain.. bur.

My 3rd 5k!!

Okay, I've totally ducked out of my half marathon and have decided to get a few more 5k's under my belt. Maybe even do a 10 miler somewhere in there. So I sigend up for this today:
And then I have a Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving Day. Aaron's going to run the Blue and Gray Half Marathon in December, then the Sweethearts (couples race) On Valentines Day. I think thats a 4miler.. or 5.. not sure.. and I'll run the Marine Corps Historic Half on May 16th!
Aaron will probably want to run it with me and it's the day after Benny's 2nd Birthday so hopefullllllyyyy my parents will be down to watch the boys.

Anyway, thats my planned schedule right now. I just hope I can keep it up. We're planning out going out today to look at running watches. I really want this one: we're hoping to kind of get it for eachother for Christmas.

Oh and I ran in this ICK this morning. I did about 2 miles. It was raining and abour 40 degrees. I was miserable. I guess it's time to think about cold weather running gear.. blah.. more money.. can't I just win the lottery?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I swear I'm not a stalker.

Meet Jillan. She's my "inspiration" that I've been talking about. She ran the 20 miler with Aaron. Anyway, shes awesome. She has ran almost every race this year. I have only come across a few where her name isn't on the finishers list. And she's always finishing in the top 5 for her (our ) age group. (she's 26) Her pace is around 8:36 a mile. Sweet.

I now want her to be my BFF. Seriously. I need a running partner! I need a MOTIVATED running partner. Someone who wont quit when it gets hard. Someone who is better than me so I can motivate myself to be a better runner.

I mean, she's a distance runner. I have decided that a distance runner is what I want to be. As long as my pace is under 10 minutes a mile, I'm golden.

Now.. I'm thinking about signing up for this Halloween 5k. BUT you are "encouraged" to wear a costume. WHAT? Okay.. what kind of costume amd I going to wear while I run? Maybe just paint my face?

Ideas? Suggestions? Thanks!

ps - I ran 4 miles on the stupid treadmil tonight. I hate that thing. Guess Id better get some cold weather running clothes.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Whoot whoot!

I just ran 4 miles! FOUR!

So it probably doesn't seem like a lot to most of you BUT  it's one mile closer to 5 Miles. 5 miles is pretty far when you think about it. (on foot anyway)

I want to sign up for a half marathon. I'm on the fence about it though because I have never ran more than 4 miles without stopping in my life. A half marathon is 13.1 miles. I think, maybe I should sign up for a 10miler first. Agh.. there is one on the 24th of October in Charlottesville, Va. But, thats so close. And I wouldn't have anyone to watch the boys. I would say Aaron could but he likes to be in every race that I'm in..

 I want to continue my running, (Especially now that I have found more competition) I want to be good at it, I want to be able to say that 3 miles is just a warm up, and one day, I hope that I can. But reality is, this is probably just a phase for me. Although it's been a "phase" for almost a year now, I'm afraid that the day is going to come when it's, too cold. Or too hot. Or..I don't know.. just anything to keep me from going.

I had one of those days today but I overcame it. I only let myself have 2 days off at the most. But I'm so afraid that I'm going to give in to just wanting to sit down and watch tv with my family for once. That I'm going to give in to not having to take two showers a day, or do more laundry because my clothes are sweaty..

::Just had a sudden change of heart::

But, I'm not a quitter. I wont allow it. Running is something I need to do. I have finally made it part of my life. Theres no stopping me now! -insert smily face here-

Sunday, October 11, 2009

"Stonewall" Jackson 20 miler.

And they're off!!!

Aarons in the yellow shirt and "flappy shorts" As his Gunny calls them. Ha.

Waiting for Dad at the finish with our sign!

Noah became quick friends with the ChickFilA cow.

Cheering on the other runners as they finished

This girl- she's hard to see- in the green is my inspiration. She came in 2nd in my 5k last month and I looked up her name, she runs in every single race in the Fredericksburg area. She's a distance runner and SHE's who I want to be like. There for, she is the reason to keep training and (maybe) do that Half marathon in December. I know she'll be there..


An adorable finish with Noah!

Aaron with his sign.

Aaron and his Gunny who also ran it with him..

What a great day! My husband completed a 20 mile race. YES, 20 MILES! I know, I know, thats 6 miles short of a full Marathon and he'll get there.

I would say that he was hardly prepared for this race. He only ran a few miles here and there before it. We ran that 5k back in September and he ran a couple or 10 milers on his own.. he wasn't hydrated enough. He found that out after mile 10 when each of his legs cramped up and he had to hobble to the next water station to get them rubbed out only for them to cramp up again a half mile down the road.

I was expecting him around the 3hr30min mark and when he didn't show, I was starting to worry. I saw the ambulance go back in forth to pick up injured runners but no sign of Aaron. I knew he wasn't a quitter and if he was able to still use his legs to move, he'd make it across the finish one way or another..

Around 4 hours was when we saw him! When he saw the finish, he started to sprint. Which was a bad idea.. when he did, he just froze, jumped, and grabbed his theigh. He obviously had another cramp. He pushed through it though and crossed the finish line (with Noah) at 4:06. not sure of the official time yet.

He DID IT! How cool is it that he ran 20 miles? How many people do you know that can do that? Probably not many. And that's why he's my hero. He never gives up. He can't. I am beyond proud of him!

He's really sore this morning. He has to pull a 24 hour duty so he's at work when he should be here resting. He could barely make it down the stairs this morning. But he'll pull through. He's already talking about signing up for the half marathon in December.. we'll see..

Thanks for letting me share!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

New personal best right hereee!

I was thinking to myself the other day that I haven't been pushing myself. I usually just run 2 miles and thats that. Sometimes I'll do the hills, other times, I just do the neighborhood.

So the other day, I sat down at the computer and g-maped a new route. One that would be at least 3 miles. I mean, I've run two 5ks so 3 miles shouldn't be such a problem. But I just never push myself to do it..

The first day, I ran 3.02. I was pretty psyched. Not quite a 5k b ut pretty darn close. I took a day of rest, and the next day, I just ran the same route but added more to it. I took different roads that I really didn't knoe existed and figured that when I got home, Id G-map it and see how far it was.

I got home and g-maped it, and it was 3.5 Miles! I know that doens't seem like a lot to most people, especially runners, (like my Husband) who does that (plus more) on a daily basis. But that is a new personal recored for me! Never in my life have I been able to run 3.5 miles without stopping! I was, (and still am) "pleased as punch!" Now I'll shoot for 4 and then on and so forth until I'm running 5+ miles every other day..

Annd, January 6th marks the 1 year point that I decided to turn my life around. But, November of last year was when I started thinking about it.Haha.

I was 180 pounds and  miserable. I truely thought that I was going to weigh that weight forever. That I had officially "let myself go" I was grumpy towards the boys, and to Aaron and just depressed about the whole situation. I couldn't believe that I had let myself gain so much weight when I was pregnant with Benjamin. It was sad and I was a sad sight..

As of today, I weigh 55lbs less then I did a year ago at this time. My weight is perfect,( it's almost too little)it's where I want it to be and I couldn't be more happy! I'm in a size 6 American Eagle and those are baggy. I have to wear a belt but I'm not quite into a size 4.. haven't tried 5's yet but I'm not about to go spend $50 on a pair of pants right before Christmas..

So, I just want to throw that out there - that it can be done. You can do it. You can lose the weight and feel better about yourself and your life. I did it.. and I'm not quitting now! Being healthy and exercising has become part of my life and it can be part of yours too! !

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


"You're killing meee" was totally supposed to be on my blog.. whoopsy..

Anyway, I ran 3 miles around this stupid neighborhood the day before yesterday and then went to the gym and lifted.. now I'm sore... Took yesterday off, and now I'm due back at the gym. Problem is, I have a belly ache.

Do you ever get that nervous feeling? Like butterflies but really, they're bats because they're not the "good" butterflies..well, that's what I have. I get it every once in a while and it eats me. The last time I had it real bad was in 8th grade when my Grandfather had a heart attack while I was away at basket ball camp.. it hasn't been that bad since but I still get it and worry that something happened.. ya know?

It's hard living far away from friends and family. Things can happen and you're the last to know because you're, out of sight, out of mind, I guess.. I hate this feeling. Normally I can go for a run and it goes away.. so hopefully after dinner I can run it out.

On a different note, I'm DYING for new running sneaks!

Monday, October 5, 2009

You're killing meee

I have always been in New York for Christmas. Every single year of my life. Even when I lived in North Carolina and Virgina. I always drove home. But this year, we just can't and my Mother is freaking out about it. I mean, she literally wrote me an email this morning saying that she was, "losing sleep over it".

This is so not fair! She know's that I want to be home with my family as much as she wants us to but we simply cannot afford it this year. There is too much going on. Aaron didn't pick up (because it's closed!) so that extra money we were hoping for, isn't there. Plus, this place that we're living at is sucking us dry.. (doesn't help that Gunner chewed a hole in the floor and that we're going to have to get all new carpets before we leave here in January.) We dont want to spend the money to drive 8 hours to NY. And Aaron doens't want to take the leave because he's trying to save as much as he can..

It just makes me feel like crap. I know that the main reason she wants us home is because she wants to be there when the boys open their presents. She doens't want to have to mail them.. but she knows that we're trying to save money and when she asks me about Christmas, it's like shes putting me on a crazy guilt trip. Ugh..

I just needed to vent. Sorry- -

Sunday, October 4, 2009

I'm tired of living here.

There isn't any place to run! I hate it. I feel like I'm always on Gmap-pedometer trying to figure out a safe route. Its all busy highways and dead ends around here and it's killing me! I'm just really tired of running the same 'ol route. I see the same things, day in and day out and I'm just bored with it. Itried a new route the other day but involves crossing a very busy intersection and a hill with no shoulder. (Gunner and I were almost flattened the other day running it) It's just frustrating. I want to live in an area that has a bike/running trail. Stafford sucks.

In other news, Aaron's 20 miler is THIS SATURDAY! Crazy, right? We drove the route last week and although it's very senic, 20 miles is a lot longer than you would think! I mean, it's 6 miles short of a marathon!

Speaking of marathons. I have agreed to sign up fo rmy first. It's in December, (yeah, cold) and although I know I'll finish it, I want to make a decent time. Right now, (and I calculated it) it's looking like a 2hr03mins if I keep the 9:26minute a mile pace (which I wont) So I would be pleased if I finished it in under 3 hours. So that's my goal.

I havent signed up (yet) because Aaron wants to run in it and if he does, that would mean we'd have to find someone to watch the boys - which is a royal pain in the ass.. especially since the race is at 7:17 in the morning. It's still dark out at that time in the winter!!

Anyway information can be found, here:

And in wicked awesome news - my size 8 American Eagle jeans are too big so I bought 5 pairs of 6's off my friend, Tonya for $50 (awesome deal!) and when I tried them on, they fit perfectly.. here it is no more than a week later and they're really big.. how on Earth do I lose that much weight in less than a week that I have to wear a belt with them?! Its great in all but it's also VERY annoying. One because I just bought 5 pairs and two, because I HATE wearing a belt and threeeee, because I dont have any money to buy a smaller size! Doohh!