Saturday, February 21, 2009

So this morning, I was up at 6 because poor Benji is very sick. I took him down, cleaned him up and fed him some breakfast. Then he took a bottle around 8:30 and I put him up to sleep.

Aaron and Noah were still sleping so I hopped into my gym clothes and hit it up. Brrr it was a cold walk though!

I ran 1.5 miles on the treadmill -which was nothing compared to the 3 I did the other day- I had ful intentions of running 3 again but my darn haedband flew of and my hair was in my face and that was all I could think about. It kept distracting me.. and thats a crappy excuse but whatever.

I stopped at 1.5 and got off and did my arms. Then walked over to the bike and did Rolling Hills for 20 minutes which equaled out to 5.5miles. So all in all I think I burned more calories today than I did just running the 3 miles the other day. So I'm happy with myself.

I'm trying to change my eating habbits but man, I just love to eat and that kind of makes it hard. I took Ramee's advice and had my cup of Cheerios this morning before the gym but afterwards, I get so hungry. After my shower, I ate one of my Special K bars (which a SO delish!) and now I'm Jonesing for something else. It is almost lunch time. I think I'll have a ham sanwhich or maybe even turkey on some whole wheat bread.. we'll see. .

Gotta get back to wiping runny noses!


  1. Good Job Jackie!
    What I see that is consistant with you is that you are changing stuff up alot and I think thats great! Your body will never get used to one routine and so your metabolism is probably building up to an awesome quickness. haha. Keep it up! I'm proud of you!

  2. Thanks Ramee! I totally look at you for motivation! You and I weighed about the same after we had our second child and I can see how much you've changed in such little time and I want to be the same way. LOL
