Thursday, February 19, 2009

3 miles!

I did it! I ran 3.05 miles today without stopping! Can you belive it?! I can't. I mean, just the other day, I was so discouraged because I was only doing 1.5 miles. And today, I just blew that out of the water! I did 2 miles without looking down. I looked down and saw 2 miles, and was like, "well, I guess I could try and do 2.5".. and when I hit 2.5, I said to myself, "well, you might as well try and make it to 3.. just try" and I did!

So needles to say, I'm wicked proud of myself. I think Ive got a method now, too. Well, this is what I did today- I did the first 1.5 at a speed of 5.8 and then I slowed that baby down to 5.4.. I ran at 5.4 for another half mile. And then sped it back up to 5.6-7 for the rest of the way. So it was nice not to have to stay at a certain speed.

I ran for 33 minutes! Now my goal is to run for an hour. And at the way I'm going, hopefully I can reach that goal in the next 2 months. I mean, Its only been a little over a month since I even started running and I can run 3miles.. When I first started (Jan 6th) I could hardly even run one mile..

I'm excited to be keeping up with this. On days like today, I feel good - I feel like this is something I can keep doing and something I WANT to keep doing and more importantly, something I NEED to kep doing.

1 comment:

  1. I remember when I first started running months ago and I was running so much of the same schedule as you. Now, I run 5 miles (or more depending on the day haha) without stopping at a speed of 6.8 or even 7! Sometimes faster, sometimes slower. I finish my 5 in 43 minutes and walk for a cool down the rest. So....if I can do it, so can you! Great Job Jackie! You'll be shocked at how quickly you keep improving. I'm so proud of you!
