Monday, February 9, 2009

Biggest Loser

That dvd really kicks my butt. I love it though because it works a whole bunch of other muscles that I don't get to work by running on the treadmill. I always wake up real sore the next morning. Especially in my butt and back of my theighs.. Even if I only do 20 minutes. I'm pretty sure it's the darn squats that do it.

Anyway, I hope to lose atleast 4lbs by the end of this month. Febuary is a short month so I have to have a little more motivation.

I've also decided to try the Special K challange. It says that you're supposed to lose up to 6lbs in 2 weeks. I started that today. But I have to look it up online to folow through with the rest of it. I had one bowl of it this morning and I bought the granola bars yesterday so now I just have to find the right plan..
So figure this diet on top of exercising, I should be able to reach my goal weights each month.. we'll see!

1 comment:

  1. It's really great that you're setting a monthly goal and focusing on that instead of the whole big picture, which can get overwhelming and set you up for defeat. I was just gonna blog about this on therestingplace! Anyway, you're going great!!! I have the biggest loser dvd too and it rocks! hard hard hard!
