Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I'm so discouraged

You read right, I broke down in tears after I got home from the gym tonight. I ran a mile and a half and that was it. I couldn't go any farther. I don't know why, I just couldn't. And I feel so defeated. I mean, I really feel awful about it.

I hate that I quit. That I couldn't even push myself another half mile. My legs hurt like crazy for some reason. Even after I did the mile and a half, I stretched and got back on only to do.25 miles before quitting again. I don't know whats gotten into me. Ugh..

Please tell me that I'm going to get some motivation back. Please. And how? I mean, how did I become so unmotivated? Is it because I'm going to the gym every other day now? And not every single day.I thought maybe a day of rest inbetween might help my legs and knees. Apparently not though. It just makes me yearn for another day off.

I guess you could say, I'm out of the "zone" I thought that running was becoming a permanent thing in my life. I mean, in just a short month, I went from not even being able to run a single mile to running a mile with no problem whatsoever. And then when I got up to 2 miles, I told myself I would never let myself drop below that. that my goal everytime had to be 2 miles or above.. what happend? How did I let it happen? I dont know..

Anyway, tomorrow I wont be going because Aaron has duty so I guess I'll do my biggest loser dvd.

Another thing is - my goal this month was to lose what 4-6lbs? Not happening.. not right now anyway. I can't seem to lose ANY weight. I even started that Special K diet thinking that eating that and exercizing would help me lose some. Granted, I JUST started the diet like two days ago.. sighhhh.. I dont know..

Anyways, sorry for the downer post. Any help with getting my motivation back would be greatly appreciated :) Thanks!


  1. Sorry you had a rough day girl, hang in there. Are you eating okay, make sure you are hydrating and getting some good carbs and protien. You can do this. Maybe change up your music...YOU GOT THIS GIRL!!!

  2. sorry you didn't do any more then you wanted.. but with worryin about noah & stress that is pro'lly just takin a toll on your body you know... just go back in there tomorrow evening & kick some butt... YOU CAN DO IT & you have been doin so great so don't beat yourself up over one shitty night....

  3. Thanks ladies. I wont be going tonight as Aaron has duty.. but tomorrow for sure.
