Friday, February 27, 2009


I'm slacking big time!

Before lastnight, I hadn't been to the gym in 4 days. (although I did work out a home in little spirts after the boys went to bed)

So lastnight I went. Did 2 miles on the treadmill and 5.5 on the stupid bike. I hate that thing! I do the Rolling Hills option and it just kicks my butt. I only do it for 20 minutes but it really is a workout.. Feels nice when it's over though. On top of the bike and the treadmill, I did my arms. 1 set of 15 on each..

Might go tonight depending on what time Aaron gets out of work and how long dinner takes to eat and clean up..

Aaron's ben slacking too. But he's starting to run outside on March 1st. I'll probably do the same once I can lay out a running route.. thats one thing I hate about here! There is no place to run!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

So this morning, I was up at 6 because poor Benji is very sick. I took him down, cleaned him up and fed him some breakfast. Then he took a bottle around 8:30 and I put him up to sleep.

Aaron and Noah were still sleping so I hopped into my gym clothes and hit it up. Brrr it was a cold walk though!

I ran 1.5 miles on the treadmill -which was nothing compared to the 3 I did the other day- I had ful intentions of running 3 again but my darn haedband flew of and my hair was in my face and that was all I could think about. It kept distracting me.. and thats a crappy excuse but whatever.

I stopped at 1.5 and got off and did my arms. Then walked over to the bike and did Rolling Hills for 20 minutes which equaled out to 5.5miles. So all in all I think I burned more calories today than I did just running the 3 miles the other day. So I'm happy with myself.

I'm trying to change my eating habbits but man, I just love to eat and that kind of makes it hard. I took Ramee's advice and had my cup of Cheerios this morning before the gym but afterwards, I get so hungry. After my shower, I ate one of my Special K bars (which a SO delish!) and now I'm Jonesing for something else. It is almost lunch time. I think I'll have a ham sanwhich or maybe even turkey on some whole wheat bread.. we'll see. .

Gotta get back to wiping runny noses!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

3 miles!

I did it! I ran 3.05 miles today without stopping! Can you belive it?! I can't. I mean, just the other day, I was so discouraged because I was only doing 1.5 miles. And today, I just blew that out of the water! I did 2 miles without looking down. I looked down and saw 2 miles, and was like, "well, I guess I could try and do 2.5".. and when I hit 2.5, I said to myself, "well, you might as well try and make it to 3.. just try" and I did!

So needles to say, I'm wicked proud of myself. I think Ive got a method now, too. Well, this is what I did today- I did the first 1.5 at a speed of 5.8 and then I slowed that baby down to 5.4.. I ran at 5.4 for another half mile. And then sped it back up to 5.6-7 for the rest of the way. So it was nice not to have to stay at a certain speed.

I ran for 33 minutes! Now my goal is to run for an hour. And at the way I'm going, hopefully I can reach that goal in the next 2 months. I mean, Its only been a little over a month since I even started running and I can run 3miles.. When I first started (Jan 6th) I could hardly even run one mile..

I'm excited to be keeping up with this. On days like today, I feel good - I feel like this is something I can keep doing and something I WANT to keep doing and more importantly, something I NEED to kep doing.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

4 days!

It has been 4 days since I hauled my butt to the gym! That is unacceptable. And pathetic.

So I went this mornin. I did a mile and a half on the treadmill to start off with and then 15 minutes on the bike. After the bike, I did one set of 20 on each arm weight machine and then hopped back on the treadmill for another half mile. So all in all, I think I did okay. Just 2 miles all together on the treadmill but I also did the bike(which I don't normally do)

And one thing that flipping rocks issss I'm down to a size 8 American Eagle jeans!! Heck yea baby! I put 'em on and they aren't too tight, or too lose.. just right! Now if I can only keep it that way..

In bad news though, I'm up 5lbs.. so I'm exactly at where I started at a month ago. I guess maybe it's muscle? Because even when I was at 140, I wasn't quite fitting into these size 8 jeans..

Who knows... but now I have a problem.. not to sure exactly what it is but my right knee is busted.. busted like it's difficult to walk up the stairs, busted.. but it didn't effect my running today. Which I totaly thought it would. Aaron says it's because I run wrong. And I'm sure he's right but I just can't quite grasp the way he's telling me to run when I'm actually on the treadmill.. I don't know..

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I'm so discouraged

You read right, I broke down in tears after I got home from the gym tonight. I ran a mile and a half and that was it. I couldn't go any farther. I don't know why, I just couldn't. And I feel so defeated. I mean, I really feel awful about it.

I hate that I quit. That I couldn't even push myself another half mile. My legs hurt like crazy for some reason. Even after I did the mile and a half, I stretched and got back on only to do.25 miles before quitting again. I don't know whats gotten into me. Ugh..

Please tell me that I'm going to get some motivation back. Please. And how? I mean, how did I become so unmotivated? Is it because I'm going to the gym every other day now? And not every single day.I thought maybe a day of rest inbetween might help my legs and knees. Apparently not though. It just makes me yearn for another day off.

I guess you could say, I'm out of the "zone" I thought that running was becoming a permanent thing in my life. I mean, in just a short month, I went from not even being able to run a single mile to running a mile with no problem whatsoever. And then when I got up to 2 miles, I told myself I would never let myself drop below that. that my goal everytime had to be 2 miles or above.. what happend? How did I let it happen? I dont know..

Anyway, tomorrow I wont be going because Aaron has duty so I guess I'll do my biggest loser dvd.

Another thing is - my goal this month was to lose what 4-6lbs? Not happening.. not right now anyway. I can't seem to lose ANY weight. I even started that Special K diet thinking that eating that and exercizing would help me lose some. Granted, I JUST started the diet like two days ago.. sighhhh.. I dont know..

Anyways, sorry for the downer post. Any help with getting my motivation back would be greatly appreciated :) Thanks!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Getting there

I'm running out of titles for my blogs. Lol.

Lastnight, I hit up the gym about an hour earlier than I normally do thinking no one would be there but as soon as I walked out my front door, my neighbor two doors down walked out of his and followed me there. I thought that he was probably just going to the office but whn I got to the gym, he followed me in.

I asked him what he normaly does while he 's there and he said, "a little bit of everything" and I said, "well, do you use the treadmill?" and he says," I'll just use the bike, you can use the treadmill" so that was nice of him.. but I felt bad because he was only on the bike for about 10 minutes and then he did the arm I ran 1.50 miles and got off so he could use it.. when I go off, I noticed he was putting on his coat to go so I said that I was finished with the treadmill if he wanted to use it and he said that he was done.. so I kinda jumped off when I didn't even have to. They really need to get another treadmill in there but there isn't any room for one.

So anyway, I did 1.50 on the treadmill and then did my usual 2 sets of everything for my arms and chest (but added more weight) and then decided to hop back on the treadmill.. I did another mile. So all in all, I did 2.50miles! Yay! I dont care if I stopped and then started back up again.. I still did it and I'm proud. Pretty son, I hope to be able to run 3. Then I'll have to start getting some better times if I want to run in the 5k... can't wait!!

I'll probably skip the gm tonight and do The Biggest Loser. Aaron's working late and we just wont have time to fit both of us in tonight..

But I have a question:

What kind of music do you lisen to when you work out if any at all?

I thought that I needed real like intense, crazy motivating music to workout.. something high in energy so I was listening to Metallica and (my girly music) Hole and Bif Naked but th other day, I realized that I do better when I listen to my more mellow music like Wilco and Bob Dylan. Infact, all I listen to now is Dylan. I listen to his Blood on the Tracks album and I know that after 6 of his songs, I've done 2 miles. He also has a 9 minute song that I am determined to run a mile to before it's finished.. I tried it yesterday but I think I still did the mile in 10mins. oh well, I'll get there..

So, what do you listen to?

Monday, February 9, 2009

Biggest Loser

That dvd really kicks my butt. I love it though because it works a whole bunch of other muscles that I don't get to work by running on the treadmill. I always wake up real sore the next morning. Especially in my butt and back of my theighs.. Even if I only do 20 minutes. I'm pretty sure it's the darn squats that do it.

Anyway, I hope to lose atleast 4lbs by the end of this month. Febuary is a short month so I have to have a little more motivation.

I've also decided to try the Special K challange. It says that you're supposed to lose up to 6lbs in 2 weeks. I started that today. But I have to look it up online to folow through with the rest of it. I had one bowl of it this morning and I bought the granola bars yesterday so now I just have to find the right plan..
So figure this diet on top of exercising, I should be able to reach my goal weights each month.. we'll see!

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Yesterday morning, I hit up the gym. First time in two days. I'm really slacking and finding myself unmotivated alot more. Not sure why.

But I didn't eat anything before I went and I think that might have contributed to how awful I did -

I ended up running the 2 miles in the end but I'm not going to lie, it sucked and I didn't do it all at once like I normally do. I did one mile w.o stopping and the walked for 2 minutes. Did another half mile, and got off and did the bike for only 2 miles. Then I did my arms (two sets of 10 on each but I added more weight on some) and then hopped back on he bike for what I thought would be another mile but I only had another half mile in me. So all in all, I edventually did the 2 but just broke it up a little..

So on a day like today, when Aaron's home in the morning, I'll usually go to the gym but I'm still sitting here on te computer. I have yet to give the boys their breakfast and have yet to take a shower. Soooo, I'll end up going tonight probably..

In other news - I took Noah to teh doctors the other day and he wouldn't get on the scale so they had me get on and then had me get on with him so they could figure out the weight... now this is going to be depressing - it said that I weighed 144! UGH.. PUKE! WHAT?! I think that I need a set of doctors scales cuz apparently our are off 4lbs. Or atleast that is what I thought until I got home and weighed myself on ours - the SAME! How on Earth did I gain 4 pounds? Ugh.. I don't know but it's a big ego killer..

I weighed myself this morning and I was 141.. but you're always lighter in the morning anyway, right?

Annnnd I bought my first bikini yesterday. Man, that was a mistake. Buuut it gives me more motivation to keep going at it.

Friday, February 6, 2009

And the AFTERS

OKay I still have a pooch and my ass is ginormic (Aaron wont let me lose my butt.. he's a butt man.. lol)
But, thats me.. today at 140.
Sorry the pictures are in two seperate posts but I'm still trying to figure this thing out...
So I've got to keep trucking along if I want to reach my 120lbs by september.. but so far, I think I'm on the right track.. :) Yay!


So Ive finally gotten around to taking some "After" pictures.. These are the "Befores" 170something Lbs..

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Pasta = motivator?!

Ha.. so it seems like every night that I have pasta, I kick ass at the gym.. strange, right?

Tonight I did 2.27 miles on the darling treadmill and 4.50 miles on the bike. Also my normal arm workouts. 2 sets of 10 on each machine. So I think I did pretty awesome.

The gym was the most popular place on the Earth tonight! When I was at about 1.50 on the treadmill, Tiffany came in. She started using the elipitical and I knew that she was waiting for the treadmill cuz that's what she does - (runs 4 or 5 miles) but I kept on trucking. And about 5 or 6 cars pulled in outside(cuz there is a huge window that looks from the gym to the parking lot) and left. I'm sure it was all people who were like,"darnit, I want to go in there and work out but I can't because there are two other people in there!" Which is fine by me. I think that 2 people should be the max in this gym. It's really small.. like Ive said before. .

Sooo here is my new goal - to run 3 miles (without stopping) by the end of Febuary. I know that I can do it.. and it's going to be a piece of cake. I HAVE to do it because if my Dad ( who happens to be over 50) can do it and then some, I can too! Plus, I want to run in The Turkey Trot next November which is 3 miles.. so by then, lol I hope to be over 3 miles.. probably 5-6ish.. then I would kick ass on that Trot! And I get to run it with my Dad and probably Aaron so that's cool..

So yes, that is my long term goal - to run in The Turkey Trot in November..


So Ive missed the gym for 2 days now. Mainly because Noah's been sick. So hopfully I can go tonight when AAron gets out of work and continue my 2mile streak. Maybe I'll push myself a little farther who know... hopefully I can push myself to just the two mile mark lol..

That's te bad thing about taking a day or two off.. I have no motivation to go back. But once I get there, I'm in the zone. It's just the matter of getting there that I have no motivation for.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

To the gym!

Well, it's 9:30am on Sunday and I figure that I should get my butt to the gym before the Superbowl. So hopefully, after two days away, I can continue my 2 mileness.

More to come..

So I'm back after a nice long well deserved shower.

I ran 2 miles which took me 20 minutes. (burned 150 cals) Then did my arms. 2 sets of 10 on each and decided to try the bike fo 20 minutes. Normally I hate the bike just as much as the eliptical but I pushed myself on the hilly workout for the whole 20 minutes. I went 5.1 miles. Burned 100 cals.

I think I did pretty well. I didn't do my workout dvd lastnight because Noah wouldn't go to bed. He was up until 10:30! So I had to push extra hard at the gym. Not sure if I'll go tomorrow or not. Aaron will be home all day so there really isn't any reason not to. I think I'm just tired now. Tomorrow morning, I'l be ready again..

In other news, it's 55 out! We'll probably be taking the boys for a wagon ride, too later on. Plus, I think I'm goin to get my hair cut and then watch the superbowl..

NOt eve sre who I'm rooting for. Probably the Cardinals