Monday, August 31, 2009

Week 5

I know I should be on like week 7 but I went home and my Ipod broke so I just ran 2miles every other day with Aaron so I'm not counting that towards the C25K.

Anyway, tomorrow starts Day 1 Week 5! Holy moly! And my 5k is only 20 days away!

My Dad and Mom are coming down for the weekend of the 5k. Dad's running it with Aaron and I and Mom's watching the boys.

I'm so nervous. I don't know why I psyche myself out about it so much. I know I can run it. I can run it without stopping and run it in under 30 minutes. Which is always my goal but I still get so nervous about it.

I just want to try and keep pace with Aaron or my Dad. I was going to keep pace with my Dad the last race but he just took up and finished the race 4 minutes ahead of me! LOL. But I should be faster by now and I'm praying that I can just keep up with one of them.

I also want to go to Virginia Runners and get myself some nice, fitted especially for me, shoes before the race. Maybe if we can find a little extra cash we can do that.

Anyway, Week 5, Day 1 tomorrow. We're going on base to run it so that means I get to wear a purdy little glow belt. Lol. I'm going to (try) to talk Aaron into watching the boys in the morning so I can just run by myself. If I do that, I'll bring the dog. If Aaron wont watch 'em, I'll take the boys and leave the mutt. I can't do both on base because the road just isn't wide enough..

I'll letcha know how it goes!

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