Friday, August 7, 2009

Some pictures.

This is my stomach as of August 7th 2009

Still not "flat" But we're getting there

These hills are the reason I'm getting into better shape

And these ladies are my motivation

Oh, and these cute little guys too. :)

I would love to post some pictures of my legs.. but right now Aaron's working and I had a hard enough time getting the self timer to work for my stomach.

I know some people are reading this and probably thinking, "Get over yourself, Jackie"(I know I But ya know what, I work hard and I am proud of what I'm doing and how far I have come. If you don't like it, don't read it. I deserve to have a little pride and God forbid a little confidence once in a while.

I'm getting there. As of right now, I am 10lbs from my goal weight of 120. My goal for this month was to get down to 125 before I go home. (which is August 20th) I think, if I work real hard and eat real healthy, I can get there. Problem with that is, I wont have any clothes to wear! LOL

That's the worst part about losing/gaining weight. You have to go out and buy an all new wardrobe! I think I have one size 6 pants that I'll be able to wear when I get down to 120. Thats it..

Anyway, I'm going to go back to my January posts and dig up my before pictures and compare. I hope I see a big difference!

And to all of my fellow C25K followers - KEEP IT UP! You're doing awesome! I'm so happy that I get to share something like this with you all! You inspire me!

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