Tuesday, August 18, 2009

W3D2 Complete

We're down a running partner. Ash went home to visit family. But Diana and I are still plugging along. We finished week 3 day 2 this morning. Tomorrow will be the final day of week 3. Then I go home. But I plan on continuing at home by myself.

Anyway, this morning started off hard like it normally does. Its take at least the first 2 intervals to get me "warmed up." And in week 3, there are only 4 intervals. So by the last two, I'm ready for more.

At the end of interval 4, I sprinted. Bad idea. Well, let me back track... last Friday, I did my normal run/walk in the am and that night, I wanted to go on the treadmill so I could get an accurate time for 3 miles.

So I hit the gym and do a mile easily (or so I thought) I did it on a 2% increase and ran it at 6mph. But when my 1st mile was up, I looked at the time and did it at 10minutes. Which really sucks because I was thinking that I had been improving a lot in time. I though atleast 8-9 minutes. So that was very discouraging.

So I walked for 2 minutes and then started up mile 2. I ran that at 1% and ran at a speed of 6.8mph. By the end of the mile, I was dying. Not with my breathing or anything but my shins we aching! so I stopped after the 2nd mile and my time was a whole minute faster. (Nice.) Buuut I totally injured my shins. (Not so nice)

Anyway, I couldnt stand the thought of trucking in another mile so I walked for a few minutes and quit. I was so disappointed in myself. I know better then to push that hard. I knew that I would most likely get hurt but I did it anyway becuase I'm obsessed with time. And that in itself is annoying. I should be worried about distance and stanama but I just cant get the thought of time out of my mind.

I think it all goes back to highschool. In highschool, you ran a mile like twice a year. Normally I ran it about 7-8 minutes. Once I ran it in 6. Which is awesome, I was a teenager then and I COULD run it that fast. I'm 25 years old. I shouldn't be worried about what my time was in highschool. It's just stupid.. but I think it's just that competitive part of me. Weather Im competing against myself or someone else, it's always a competition to me.. and that's my problem..

Anyway, I'm a little sore in the shins but Ive been trying to RICE it all day and we'll see how it goes tomorrow..


  1. Good job Jackie! Just please be careful with shin pain. Mine started out small and now...well, you know. It's awful. Keep up the good work! :)

  2. Thanks Ramee. I was wondering how yours was healing. I hope that it's getting better for you.
