Monday, August 3, 2009

September 5k

My neighbors, Diana and Ashley have been walking the "hills" with me every day for a month now. Ash and I do 3 miles in the morning and 3 miles at night and then we run on either Saturday or Sunday. Leaving one day of rest.

I showed them this:
(Couch to 5k)
It's awesome and we're starting the program tomorrow. We have 7 weeks. (even though the program takes 9) to get ready for our 5k. I figure we've already got a nice head start considering we've been kicking the "hills" asses for over a month now. Plus, Ash and I have been running..

So they're coming up in a half hour and we're registering for it.

Aaron and I are supposed to do a 5k while we're back home but he's having second thoughts. He thinks we're not going to have enough time while we're home and the race is an hour away. BUT, I really want to do it. And my Dad does, too! He even bought new running shoes. So maybe just me and my Dad will sign up. We'll see. But in the mean times, I'm signing Aaron and I up for this 5k in Stafford: The Margaret Brent PTO 5k.

And what are we going to do with the boys you ask? I have no idea.. we'll have to figure that out when the time comes.. LOL

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the new 5K you are going to do!!! It feels awesome doesn't it!!!
