Thursday, August 6, 2009

Things I need for my workout.

My double jogger and 2 kids(Ben not pictured)

My trusty k9

My Ipod Nano

My kick ass Sigg water bottle

And my awesome Nike RunChi's

I've started this: It's basically a site that will get you running a 5k in 9 weeks. It rocks. Now, I've already ran my 1st 5k buuut this program kicks butt and if it's going to help me improve then you bet your ass I'm doing it!

If you download the pod casts, it'll walk/run you through the whole 9 weeks. It tells you when to run and when to "walk briskly" It also has some nice motivation words thrown in there.

My neighbors and I have decided to take the challenge. we started Tuesday and have gone every day since. Although the program wants you to take the day on, day off approach, we feel we can run week one over 5 days instead of 3. And we also think there is less chance of us quitting as the weeks get harder. PLUS, our 5k is in 7 weeks instead of 9 so we have to crunch and work really hard and do more work if we want to make it.

If everything goes as planned, we'll be at the starting line on September 20th at 8am. My goal: 25 minutes. Can I do it? I have no idea.. but I'd like to find out. I'm going to try and keep pace with Aaron. And he can run it in 22 or less.. so we'll see..

More updates to follow.