Monday, July 27, 2009

My second 5k

So, it's in the works. Just have to call my Dad and see if he wants to run it with Aaron and I. It's in Albany, NY( and it looks like there is going to be a crazy amount of people compared to my 1st one with no more than 60.

My first 5k time was 29:38 (I think) and I won 1st place for my age group (20-26) which isn't saying much, considering there were only about 60 people racing. But, it did make me feel good. I felt especially good because I was under 30mins. And that was my goal. I was fairly new to running so I still wasnt sure of breathing, and pace, and all that fun stuff. Now, I'm pretty positive that I've got it down. I only run outside because the weather is fantastic so I haven't hopped on the treadmill to see what I can do 3.2 miles in yet but, the next rainy day, I'm going to.

My 1st 5k, Aaron literally had to push me at one point to keep me from stopping. I'm pretty sure I'm not going to need that this time. But that could be me just being overly cocky. But I've worked really hard at this running thing, and I believe that I can do it.

My goal time is:
27mins. It would be awesome if I could keep up with my Dad (who got 25mins at my first 5k) and maybe I will.. but it would be BETTER, if I could keep pace with Aaron. (who can do it in 22minutes or less)

Either way, I can't wait to hear from my Dad so we can all sign up together!

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