Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The usual

Went to the gym this morning. Almost thought about taking my boots and then changing into my sneaks because there is so much snow. But, I made it.

Ran 2 miles on the treadmill and did 5.5, almost 6 miles on the darn bike. Have I mentioned how much I hate that thing!? Haha. But it's good that I hate it because it's almost like everytime I get on it, I can't let it defeate me. I MAKE myself do atleast 20 minutes on the Rolling Hills which gets up to a level 5 resistance. Blah.

So after the treadmill and bike, I just did my normal arms and went home. Was at the gym for an hour. Normally I only go for about 45 minutes. Ive decided today that the least amout of time I'll go to the gym is going to be an hour. No less..

I try and keep my heart rate at 165-170. Not sure if that's good or bad.. but when I drop below, it gives me more motivation to push just a little harder.

Also today on the treadmill, I did most of my run at an incline of 1. Normally I just run flat but it's time to step it up since the warm weather is coming and I want to run outside. Got to be able to make those hills!

Aaron was supposed to start running outside March 1st but that was delayed because of the crazy snow and he had a wicked headcold. He still works his ass off at work when he has duty. He brings in his Iron Gym and Perfect Push ups and does those all night.. the kids pretty buff =]

We'll see how tomorrow goes. Not sure how Aaron's work day is going to be like so I might make it to the gym or I might just do my Biggest Loser Dvd..

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