Tuesday, March 24, 2009

another mile outside

My neighbor called this afternoon and has decided to stat getting into shape(again) She asked me if I wanted to take a run and at first, I said no becuase there was so much stuf f to be done around the house. But the more I thought about it, the more I thought, why not.. So I threw on my sneaks and met her at her house. We took her black lab, Max.. and ran the hills.

I think I did AWESOME! I ran those hills like it was my job. My neighbor had asked me to take her dog since he wanted to run with me because I was a little ahead. So I took him and he actually helped! When I thought I was going to quit up one hill, he'd pull harder. WHich makes me even more excied for our pup, Gunner. I hope that hes going to like running. Because between Aaron and I, theres going to be alot of it. :)

So it felt good to get out there again. ANd since the weather is starting to get nice, I hope to be able to run everynight again - just like going to the gym :)

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