Saturday, March 28, 2009

Screaming from the hill tops!

So day 1 was awesome!

1.6 miles ALL HILL BABY! I am so darn proud of myself!

1.6 miles seems like nothing but if you saw the hills, you'd faint. I pushed so hard and did it and I don't care if I sound like a jerk, I kicked ass!

I warmed up with my Biggest Loser dvd. So 10 minutes with that and I started out. On the way, I saw my neighbor and she asked to come. I said sure if I could take her dog, Max.. so we went. I was so proud of her, too! She made it wasy farther than I thought she would. She's shorter than me so she's always going to be a litle behind and while she was on the last hil going down, I was starting back up that same hill. I thought Max would pull me up 'em. Yeah. no he didnt.. he was too worrid about Ashley so he was all over the place, trying to slow down to look for her.. he was dragging me down.. lol


We'll see how we feel about it tomorrow LOL - Aarons running it now and I"m going to give te boys a bath =]