Friday, March 13, 2009

Major slacker over here!

Well, I havent done anything since my last post.

I thought that I was going to make exercising a huge, everyday part of my life. Obviously, I havent. And I have no excuse for it.. none..

I'm hoping that I can get back into the swing of things here once the weater turns nice so I can continue running outside. My goal is going to be 3 miles outside. Once I can do that, and do it easliy, I will have reached my goal and then I'm going to make Aaron sign up for a 5k with me..

We'll see.. c'mon nice weather!


  1. Just remember...
    I lost 40 pounds by walking outside with the kids all summer last year. Walking (which adds resistance to your own body) is just as good for you and just as effective as running--for losing weight. I know you're trying to gain endurance to run a race which is awesome and you should keep at it, but don't get discouraged. Every little bit helps! You're doing great!

  2. Thanks Ramee!
    I'll try and kep at it!
