Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I'm in such a funk with running for some reason. My last two 5k's on the treadmill have been 30 minutes or over and I can't seem to push myself any harder. Just a few weeks ago I was doing a 28minute 5k and now this. I'm pretty sure it has to do with the fact that a few weeks ago, the incline was broken and I was running flat. Now that it's fixed, throughout the whole 3.2 miles, it's inclining and declining from 0% to 3%. Which may not seem like much, but when you've been running on no incline for a while, that 3% is noticeable.

Obviously having the incline is a good thing. It makes it feel like you're actually running outside. (well, as good as a treadmill can I guess) But man, I must be really out of shape!

Anyway, I've started watching what I eat, too. Which is huge for me. I am NOT a dieter. That's why I workout - so I can eat whatever the hell I want. Obviously that isn't working. So now I'm watching it and even keeping track of it on my Ipod.

I would just like to see some weight loss.  Just 2 pounds would make me happy right about now. I'm still stuck at 132. And it goes between 132 and 134. Never higher, never lower. I need to get below 130 before bathing suit season. (Which is probably next week considering I do live in NC) I would just like to feel a little bit of confidence when I put that bikini on.. just a little. Enough to not run back inside and throw a tank top and shorts over myself..

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

New personal best!

Tonight I forced myself to run for an hour. I tried really hard not to care about how many miles I was covering, I just focused on pace. And pace went between 5.0 and 6mph through out the whole thing.

I'm pretty friggen pumped. I covered 5.35 miles in an hour. I would have liked to at least get 5.50, but I'll take it. I burned 500 something calories (can't remember) which my not seem like much, but my body sure feels it.

I'm going to cut back for a few days and do a normal 3 mile run and then try again. My ultimate goal right now is to run a 10k.

I'd also like to get back into doing some races. In April, it'll be one whole year since I ran my last race. Thats crazy. I can't believe it's been a year already.. I'm so slacking. But, stuff like that happens and now I've got nothing but time on my hands to start my new goals :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I am proud of myself so I'm going to brag a little. So what?

I ran for 45 minutes non- stop yesterday on that treadmill. Which came to be 4.52 miles. The farthest and longest I have ever run in my life! I burned 472 calories, too!

I'm just psyched. I'm going to try and slowly work up to an hour and I would like to be able to run a 10k in a few months..

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Still running.

Yep. I'm getting some good use out of that treadmill.

I took the last two days off. I've had a bad shin splint,(shin splints?) in my left calf thats been bugging the hell out of me. So I've been resting and icing it. 

This morning I took it slow. I did 5.5mph for 35 minutes and then 7.0mph for he last 5 minutes because when I looked down and realized that I hadn't even hit the 4mile mark yet, I panicked. I still didn't hit the 4 mile mark, (3.80) which is pathetic.. and I probably even hurt my shin more by pushing my speed so much but, the run itself was good.

The pace was a little slow, but I knew I planned on running 40 minutes and didn't want to over do it. Eventually I want to make it to a whole hour of running, (which I've never been able to do) and after that, Id like to see if I can run a 10k (on the treadmill, not an actual race yet)

If you're not into running, I don't think you know the kind of high it gets you. Running is the main reason for my weight loss. I lost 50+ pounds because of  it, the high.

When I first started, I was almost 190lbs. Thats pretty big for my 5'6" body. One day, I just went to the gym, got on a treadmill, and forced myself to run 1 mile without stopping. I did it. It took me 14 minutes, but I did it. And after that, I just couldn'tget enough. I went everyday to the little gym that they had at my housing complex. And day after day, I would force myself to go a little bit farther.

I also started running outside and up huge hills. It was such a great feeling to see that weight fall off. At my lowest weight, I was 127lbs. Right now, I'm back up to 131 with a goal of being 125 and staying there.

Oh, and now my fastest mile is 8 minutes and 24 seconds. Which is a huge accomplishment from 14 minutes.

I guess the whole point of this post is to let people know that it can be done. You can do it and you will feel so much better about yourself when you do. Hang in there

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Today I ran a 8:29 minute mile! ANND, I'm down 2lbs! Yay!

Here are my stats (according to my treadmill) since we started.

I've had 13 total workouts.
I've ran a total of 32.04 miles
I've burned a total of 3,556 calories
And I've ran for a total of 5 hours and 49 minutes.

My fastest 5k right now it 28 minutes and 52 seconds.

Over all, I'm pretty happy with these stats, Of course, I can always spend more time on the treadmill. One day, I'd like to be able to push myself to run a whole hour on the treadmill. The longest I've ran on it so far is only 39 minutes and 14 seconds. But, I'm getting there. Just have to learn to really pace myself I guess..

I'm very happy with the weight loss as well! I'm only 6lbs away from my goal weight of 125. Once I hit that weight, I'll start strength training at the gym again and leave my running for every other day here at home. At least thats the plan right now.

As of right now though, I have to take it kind of easy because of this shin splint in my left calf. Its so hard for me to, "take it easy" once I get on the exercise wagon though. If I have an off day, where I dont run, I feel like a fat hunk of lard. I know it's stupid, but I do. I know off days are good for your body and your muscles. They need to heal, and your body needs to rest.. but it's a mental thing with me I guess. I know when I'm not running, I can be doing other things like walking or strength training.. but it just doesn't give me the same high as running. The same sense of accomplishment, I guess you could say...

Guess thats something I need to work on..

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

28:59 5k time on the treadmill tonight! Guess it's time to sign up for another race. There is one in Emerald Isle in April. It's also a half marathon, but I'm totally not ready for that. I'm hoping to be able to run a 10k in a few months, but Id probably better get a few more 5k's under my belt first. I still struggle with those.

The last 5k I did was almost a year ago. WOW! Yeah, April of 2010 I did the Dodge the Deer 5k back home. I dont think my time was very good either. Its amazing how easy it is to slack or fall off the wagon, I guess you can say.

But I am very happy that we bought a treadmill. We use it daily. We've had it for 2+ weeks now and I've missed two days. And thats great because those were off days.. it's good to give your muscles a break.

As far as weight goes though, I'm still at 133. Plus its that time of the month so I'm bloated anyway. So hopefully this time next week, I can report a weight loss..

Thats about it for now :)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Okay fine

                                                         This is me, and I was runnnnnniiinnngggg!

Yes, that is a dish towel. I can't run without it. I hate looking at how far I've gone or how far  I have left to go.

Anyway, Aaron took this picture. Hes been asking me why I haven't taken any pictures of our "awesome new treadmill" or posting any status updates on Facebook about it. (which I have by the way) He's so proud of it, and spent a lot of money on it. I guess he figures that I post everyday on Facebook about whatever I want and he's hurt that I haven't bragged more about the treadmill. So here it is.

Our treadmill is pretty awesome. Except we've had it under two weeks and the incline is broken. The power cord got stuck in the actual treadmill as it was declining and it pinched it. So now we've got to get someone out here to take a look at it and hopefully fix it..

Ive ran on it every day but one since we bought it. I think Ive put in a little over 20 miles on it.. so that feels good. It feels good to have that runners high again. Ya know?

So I guess now that Im back into running, I should sign up for another 5k. Aaron said he wants me to be running a 10k by the time he gets back. So I've got 7 months to shape up.. we'll see..