Friday, September 11, 2009

I did the hills again. I'll do them tonight as well.
The last time I did them, I had the most horrible cramp in my stomach.. It was so bad that I was practically shuffling my feet the last 1/2 mile. Luckily Gunner was still pulling strong after a mile and a half and pulled me the rest of the way..

But these "cramps" lasted the rest of that night til last night. I thought maybe my appendix was going to burst. It made it difficult to walk or even get up out of a chair. But I woke up this morning and they're gone. Hmph..

In other news, my shins are feeling much better! Well, well see how true that statement is after my run tonight.

I did go to my LRS and find out what was wrong with them tho.. and what was causing it. Apparently I run with my right ankle/foot tilted inward. That comes from tearing my ligaments in it so bad when I was younger. My right ankle is VERY weak and tends to tilt in which causing the shin pain. So, after they watched me run, they made shoe suggestions. I'm pretty sure I'll be buying new sneaks after my 5k on the 20th. So I'm PSYCHED about that!

5k - 9 days away!

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