Wednesday, September 16, 2009

how many days

Okay so they don't look THAT bad.. but I like to show them off, anyway.. I feel better this morning, that arm is still pretty sore. Almost like I got a tetnis shot. Ya know?

So I'll run tonight. Aaron has duty all day tomorrow, my parents come Friday, so Aaron, my Dad, and I will probably run then, take Saturday off, and then the race is Sunday.. Phew!

I know its just a 5k but I get so nervous!

Anyway, Aaron's planning on running The Marine Corps Marathon in October! Isn't he insane? He really wants to do that so I'll update when he finds out more. I know that registration is closed but his Ssgt is signed up but is now injured and I guess you can transfer registrations to someone.. soo Aaron's probably going to take him up on that offer.. we'll see!

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