Sunday, March 29, 2009

2.24 miles

On the hills today! 2.24 is purdy darn good if ya ask me. Too bad I'm BEAT.
Since we've been running the hills, I've always thought that Aaron and I were running the same direction. Turns out, we've been running the oppisite way from eachother. Where I go right, he goes left.. haha.. so today, he's running my way and tomorrow I'll run his. Just to see if the hills are any different. He says that he has one killer hill and I'm wondering if it's any worse than my killer hill. We'll see..

He's trying to run 3.2 miles. He's kinda crazy..

I ran by myself. Ashley and her hubby walked the hills earlier. But I've come to the conclusion that I do better when I'm alone anyway.. not sure why..

So.. hopefully I'll start seeing some moe weight loss here soon. I've got 20lbs to drop and I'd like to do it before the 5k in May.

I have a feeling that these hills are going to make it hard for me to stay motivated so I might have to switch it up a little. I HAVE to run tomorrow because Tuesday Aaron has duty. Tuesday will probably be my off day. According to this training schedule that I found online, you should have two off days a week. One completely off and another you stil should run but just not as far.

And that's that =]

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Screaming from the hill tops!

So day 1 was awesome!

1.6 miles ALL HILL BABY! I am so darn proud of myself!

1.6 miles seems like nothing but if you saw the hills, you'd faint. I pushed so hard and did it and I don't care if I sound like a jerk, I kicked ass!

I warmed up with my Biggest Loser dvd. So 10 minutes with that and I started out. On the way, I saw my neighbor and she asked to come. I said sure if I could take her dog, Max.. so we went. I was so proud of her, too! She made it wasy farther than I thought she would. She's shorter than me so she's always going to be a litle behind and while she was on the last hil going down, I was starting back up that same hill. I thought Max would pull me up 'em. Yeah. no he didnt.. he was too worrid about Ashley so he was all over the place, trying to slow down to look for her.. he was dragging me down.. lol


We'll see how we feel about it tomorrow LOL - Aarons running it now and I"m going to give te boys a bath =]

My 1st 5k!

Well, my Dad called me this morning to ask how my running was coming along. (ha) And asked me if Aaron and I would want to run a 5k back home in May with him. Awesome!

So now on to the training! The last time I ran was what, 3-4 days ago. So now I realy have something to work for! I'm excited! Aaron and I went to Dicks and I bought myself a new tank top and a new runners jacket (I guess thats what you call it) Because it's so nasty here with the rain and all.. it never seems to stop.

So, I'll be running tonight after he gets back. (he took Noah to see Monsters VS. Aliens) and I will try to run every day until the race.

My goal is to master the big hills out back. If my 50 yea old father can do it, there is no reason I can't!

Yay for motivation!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

another mile outside

My neighbor called this afternoon and has decided to stat getting into shape(again) She asked me if I wanted to take a run and at first, I said no becuase there was so much stuf f to be done around the house. But the more I thought about it, the more I thought, why not.. So I threw on my sneaks and met her at her house. We took her black lab, Max.. and ran the hills.

I think I did AWESOME! I ran those hills like it was my job. My neighbor had asked me to take her dog since he wanted to run with me because I was a little ahead. So I took him and he actually helped! When I thought I was going to quit up one hill, he'd pull harder. WHich makes me even more excied for our pup, Gunner. I hope that hes going to like running. Because between Aaron and I, theres going to be alot of it. :)

So it felt good to get out there again. ANd since the weather is starting to get nice, I hope to be able to run everynight again - just like going to the gym :)

Monday, March 23, 2009


Thats how I've been feeling about working out lately. The last time I worked out was the day before I went to Mrytle Beach soo.. Tuesday.. I did the elipitical for 30 minutes while my Dad walked omn the treadmill..

Today I walked 2.26 miles (mainly uphill) though! And pulling a wagon with two boys in it! So that was a pretty good workout. I bet if I did that once a day Id get some muscles!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Major slacker over here!

Well, I havent done anything since my last post.

I thought that I was going to make exercising a huge, everyday part of my life. Obviously, I havent. And I have no excuse for it.. none..

I'm hoping that I can get back into the swing of things here once the weater turns nice so I can continue running outside. My goal is going to be 3 miles outside. Once I can do that, and do it easliy, I will have reached my goal and then I'm going to make Aaron sign up for a 5k with me..

We'll see.. c'mon nice weather!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Running outside

Sucks. Haha. I mean, I suck at it! I ran a mile outside for the first time since.. well, we were stationed at Lejeune.. and it was hard!

I didn't believe anyone when they said that running outside was so much different than running on the treadmill but now I do..

I started out front of our house and ran Aaron's normal route. He was watching me out te window and said that my first mistake was starting out too fast. And I totally agree because I was so winded by the first hill.

But, I made it. And I plan on getting better. I mean, I HAVE the ability, and the stanema (I guess) but since I was running at no incline on the treadmill, the hills outside killed me.. but I'll get there!

Other than that, I'm still stuck at 140lbs. Can't seem to shake it..

How is everyone else doing?!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The usual

Went to the gym this morning. Almost thought about taking my boots and then changing into my sneaks because there is so much snow. But, I made it.

Ran 2 miles on the treadmill and did 5.5, almost 6 miles on the darn bike. Have I mentioned how much I hate that thing!? Haha. But it's good that I hate it because it's almost like everytime I get on it, I can't let it defeate me. I MAKE myself do atleast 20 minutes on the Rolling Hills which gets up to a level 5 resistance. Blah.

So after the treadmill and bike, I just did my normal arms and went home. Was at the gym for an hour. Normally I only go for about 45 minutes. Ive decided today that the least amout of time I'll go to the gym is going to be an hour. No less..

I try and keep my heart rate at 165-170. Not sure if that's good or bad.. but when I drop below, it gives me more motivation to push just a little harder.

Also today on the treadmill, I did most of my run at an incline of 1. Normally I just run flat but it's time to step it up since the warm weather is coming and I want to run outside. Got to be able to make those hills!

Aaron was supposed to start running outside March 1st but that was delayed because of the crazy snow and he had a wicked headcold. He still works his ass off at work when he has duty. He brings in his Iron Gym and Perfect Push ups and does those all night.. the kids pretty buff =]

We'll see how tomorrow goes. Not sure how Aaron's work day is going to be like so I might make it to the gym or I might just do my Biggest Loser Dvd..