Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Yeah, leave it to me to roll my ankle while doing nothing at all.
I have had problems with my right ankle for as long as I can remember. Ive never sprained or broken it though. It's just been really weak my whole life.

I remember playing basketball back in middle school and rolling it almost every week. I always had to tape it for games.

So yesterday, I was downstairs doing laundry and talking on the phone with Aaron when I went to step over a broom that was just laying on the ground. I don't know how it happened but, I stepped down on my ankle wrong and fell. I landed with my body half way up the basement stairs, phone flew out of my hands onto the floor and all I coudl hear was Aaron yelling, "Babe! Are you okay? Should I call 911? Your Mom? Do you need help!?" 

I'm sure he was worried because when I went down, I screamed "F*ck!!" and then I started crying hysterically.. I heard my ankle snap. It was awful.. ew. CRINGE! !

Anyway, I am okay. Aaron didn't have to call 911, (or even my Mom.) I made it back up the stairs and took my sock off.. sure enough, it was already starting to swell. Nice.

It looks a lot better than I thought it was going to today though!

Just a little swollen. And I can walk pretty good too!
I'm trying real hard not to be a baby about it :)
(man my calf looks fat and dry!)

It better heal before the 17th cause thats my next 5k!

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