Thursday, March 18, 2010

This is embarassing..

But this wouldn't be a true weight loss blog if I didn't have pictures of my insecurities, would it?

I bought a new bating suit. Its not a Victoria's Secert like I wanted. It's from Target but, I like it.

This is it. I think it's cute.
But when I look at this picture, I see this:

All of those black circles are my "trouble spots"
I have a wicked muffin top and saddle bags for theighs.
Around my belly button is a mess of stretchmarks and saggyness..
You probably can't tell by this picture unless you blow it up though.

I think most girls are insecure about themselves though, right?
I'll admit. I still am. Even after losing 50something pounds. I still have a lot of work to do to get to where I want to look. It's a never ending struggle for me. I'm not a teenager anymore. I'm a 26 year old mother of two just trying to keep up.

Even though I see a lot of problems with these pictures, I'm not going to say that I'm fat or that I feel ugly. because I don't. For one of the first times in my life, I feel pretty. I feel, thin even.. and I don't know if it's because I've worked so hard to get to where I am or what..but it's a good feeling.. It's nice to have a little self confidence. Like I said, I'm still insecure.. but its just because I know I can do better. If I worked harder..just a little harder.. Id be to where I want to be.
See that cellulite under my butt? I swear that'll never go away! No matter how many squats I do!
Heres a close up of my belly.. see those love handles? Id love if they'd just melt away without having to do any work.. those babies are HARD TO LOSE!!

But I'm feeling comfortable with myself right now. Enough to go to the beach and strut around. All I need is a tan!!

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