Sunday, April 11, 2010


Aaron and I took a different route on our nightly run today. We ran way out into the country where all there are are cows and the smell of cow poop!

It was fun though. The first 1/2 mile was all hill. Probably bigger than the ones back in Virginia,(if you remember me posting pictures of those suckers) and a hell of a lot longer! But we made it all the way.

I wish I had brought my camera. It was just so peaceful out there compared to running in town with people everywhere and traffic. I hope we can do this route more often.

Im beginning to think I can be a distance runner. That is, when I'm not thinking about running, I can be.

 Like today when we were running out there in the openness with nothing around but cows and beautiful views, for once, I wasn't thinking, "Man, when will this be over? I can't breathe, my legs hurt, I have a cramp" like I normally do. I was just thinking about the veiw. It was fun. Seriously.

Our race is this Saturday. The Dodge The Deer 5k trail run. This should be fun!

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