Friday, February 3, 2012

Befores and afters anyone?

Okay, so I've been working out on and off since 2009. What really got me started was running. Before I started running, I weighed in at 180lbs. Yep, me. I did. I had just had Benjamin, (now almost 4 years old) and was disgusted that I let myself get so out of shape.

The first time I ran, it was on the treadmill at the gym in Quantico. I ran 1 mile, and it took me 14 minutes. I didn't stop once. It's never take me that long to run a single mile. That's when I knew I had a lot of work to do.

From that moment on, I dedicated myself to lose the weight. I would run every night. Eventually working up to 3 miles with out stopping. I did my first 5k in May of 2009 and came in just under the 30 minute mark. After that, I knew I was hooked. I did several more 5k's after that, and in 2011, I got up enough courage to run a 10k. I ran the whole thing without stopping, coming in just over an hour. After that I ran an 8k, and,if you're a normal reader of my Blog, you'll know that I had an injury. I fractured my left foot while running in my Vibram Five Fingers.

2011 was supposed to be my half marathon year, and I totally blew it. I was out from June until the end of September with a big black boot. I never did get back to the doctors to see if it had healed correctly. Mainly because my Husband came home from Afghanistan at the end of September.

I started running again, I did a Warrior Dash on October 1st 2011 with my Husband in Virginia. After that, I did a 5k for Breast Cancer, and another 5k in November. After every race, it would result with a sore foot.

Anyway, I'm totally losing track of why I started this post.

I have managed to lose all of the weight that I put on with my Benjamin pregnancy. I'm at a healthy, normal weight of 129.6. I'm happy with that. I'm toned and I'm stronger. I'm happy with the way my body looks, (if i could just grow some bigger boobs!) and that's a rare thing to hear me say.

I'm so happy with my body, mainly because I have been working out every other day consistently, (EVEN over Christmas vacation) since October 29th 2011.

Here are my results  so far: (and these are just of my stomach, because I've been trying to get abs.) some of you might not even see a difference, but I can tell.
I'm sorry about not being consistent with the camera distance. The first 3, I had my husband take, the last two are obviously me in the mirror.
So the very 1st picture, I weighed in at 129.6. I weighed in EXACTLY the same in the very last picture, which was taken on Monday.

So there it is. 3 months worth.

Oh, I went back to add these.. cause you can see my "cut" (or what I like to think of as a cut) in these.

I feel like every picture fluctuates. Some I think I can see some muscle, others, I see bloating. Guess it depends on what Ive eaten?

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