Thursday, January 7, 2010

Where have you been? And what's next?!

It's been a long while since I updated but that doesn't mean I've been slacking. In fact, I less time to update because of the gym and my new routine..

I enrolled the boys in the co-op program that they offer on base. It's pretty sweet. You bring the boys mon,wed,fr 9-11 and tues,thurs,11-1. Imstead of paying for day care, you volunteer your time watching the kids while other people work out. You are recommended to do three days a month and you only have to do two hours a day. It's an awesome set up, so I've been taking advantage of it since December.. the boys do well with it too!

January 6th, 2009, I made it my New Years resolution to start running to lose weight. I made my goal, 120lbs by September of 2009 (That totally didn't happen. I think in September I was around 130lbs) After I didn't reach that goal, I decided to keep running and working out to get toned. Here's the post: My very first!

As of today, January 7th 2010, I weigh in at,(on the scale with all my clothes and shoes on.). drum roll pleasssseee..127.4! So it's not 120.. but I'm happy at this weight. 125 would be better and I will get there.. but, right now,I'm fine with that weight. I feel great about myself.. and am proud of the fact that I stuck in there a whole year!

Speaking of 2009, here is a quick re-cap of what I accomplished:

In May, I ran my first 5k! I did it in under 30 minutes which was my goal.

I ran a 5k each in September,October, and my last was in November.. my best time was :26:57 (or something like that..)

I suffered a hip injury which I started going to physical therapy for in December. I wasn't permitted to run while I was trying to heal with PT so, I took up the gym and cross trained..

I ditched PT (bad idea) and started running again(bad idea) my hip is still bad, but I'll manage. I've been going to the gym on base and love it! Running a little less.. but I'm still able to bike, do the eliptical, and almost everything else.. when I run, I wont let myself run less than a mile.. but I still don't push it..

And thats about it for the quick 2009 re-cap...

                                        Aaron just bought these babies for me: So far, so good. 

So, what's next? I normally like to have some kind of competition lined up to keep me motivated.. but the only thing I have(so far) is this stair climb for Cystic Fibrosis..:

 This isn't until March..

When I am able to run more, I want to train for a half marathon. My goal of 2010 will be to complete a half marathon.. 

And that's my little update.

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