Friday, January 29, 2010

Oh my gosh, I'm lame

I'm in New York until May. As you may know, New York is freezing in the winter. There for, I have paid for a gym membership. Now, I'm from a po-dunk town and the nearest gym is about a half hour away (which blows) So I go to this gym the other day to get a membership, (This is the only gym I am aware of by the way) and pay $30.. okay so, that's not bad at all. So, I get the membership and leave (because I had already put my make up on and was in the middle of running errands) So the next day, I get there and try to find the nearest treadmill. I go over to the treadmill section and I canno't believe what I see. These treadmills are seriously from 1982.. I swear! I almost died. But, a treadmill is a treadmill, right? So I run on it and a slow pace, (I guess you could call it a jog) for 3 miles. I swear that I felt like I was going to fall through the damn thing it was so cheaply made. It was awful. And here it is, two days later, and I am sore as hell.. - no real point to that story.. just that te equipment is SO old.

After the 3 miles on the treadmill, I walked over to the bike.  I sat down and decided to do 20minutes on the the random hills option. So I'm pedaling along and my foot gets caught between the pedal an dthe actual bike and I almost rip my ankle off! What the hell?! It turns out that this equipment is SO old, that the foot straps dont tighten anymore, causing your foot to slip out almost every time you go around..

Anyway, the point is, this place is lame and I feel like a spoiled brat because the gym on base was awesome. All the equipment was brand new and it was FREE. It makes is so I don't want to go back. And I haven't been back, since.. I know, that's lame.. a gym is a gym.. but ughh..

So it's been two days. No workout.. someone help me get my head out of my ass and back into the gym!

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