Sunday, December 6, 2009

Physical Therapy

So I went to the doctors the other day because I thought I found a lump in my right boob..
Anyway, it turne dout to be nothing but while I was there, they asked me if I had any other concernes. I told them nothing major but that I had been experiencing hip pain after a run.. or if I sit too long, or when I wake up in the morning.. they checked it out..and referred me to Physical Therapy..

I didn't think it was that bad.. but they are the doctors..

I went to my first PT appointment on Wednesday. can I just say that I LOVED It?! They did and ultra sound on my hip and I swear I could have fallen asleep laying there. It was SO warm and it just felt like all the pain was being brought out..

Then they did some kind of electric shock thingy.. (no idea what it's called) and even that was great.. I left there feeling awesome..

I went back two days later and it was a little rougher.. they still did the ultra sound and electric stuff but they also rubbed it and stretched it and taped my feet - I guess because I have low acrhes and the sneakers I wear when I run arent made for people with low arches- they think that that has a lot to do with my hip pain..
I knew I was wearing the wrong sneaks all along but never got around to getting a nice pair thats made right for my feet..

Anyway, I also did the bike for a little bit. After that visit, I was SORE.. but my doc says thats a good thing.. so we'll see.. I have another appointment Tuesday.. or Monday., ha. I dont know which day

But all in all, my hips is starting to feel a lot better (knock on wood)

I went to the gyn on base with my friend, cass yesterday and we worked out for about an hour and a half.. and I even ran a mile on the treadmill (which is a "no no". According to my physical theripist I shouldnt run for 4-6 weeks) but today I feel fine.. not too much pain at all..

So yeah, thats that.. hopefully everything will heal just nicely.. they're not even sure whats wrong with it.. all he said was that it's loose.. yuck..

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